The devil's charter
by Barnabe Barnes
(Old English drama)
[s.n.], [1913]
students' facsimile ed
The Divils Charter: a tragædie conteining the life and death of Pope Alexander the sixt :as it was plaide before the Kings Maiestie, vpon candlemasse night last: by his Maiesties Seruants
Title from label on cover
"Reproduced in facsimile 1913"--Label on cover verso
The original of this facsimile is in Dyce collection, south Kensington ; and British Museum press-mark c. 34, c. 3
Reprint. Original title: The Divils Charter: a tragædie conteining the life and death of Pope Alexander the sixt :as it was plaide before the Kings Maiestie, vpon candlemasse night last: by his Maiesties Seruants
Originally printed: Lonodn : G.E. for Iohn wright, and are to be sold at his shop in New-gate market, neere Christ church gate, 1607
[s.n.] Students' facsimile ed