Estat de la Perse en 1660
par Raphaël du Mans ; publié par Charles Schefer
(Publications of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science / edited by Fuat Sezgin, . The Islamic world in foreign travel accounts ; v. 16-17)
Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, 1995
دولة فارس في سنة 1660م
مؤلفات الرحالة الأوربيين عن العالم الإسلامي
In French; preliminaries and added title pages in Arabic
Reprint. Originally published: Paris : E. Leroux, 1890
Includes bibliographical references and index
edited by Fuat Sezgin
Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University