Deutsche Video-Kunst 1992-1994 : Ausstellung zum 6. Marler Video-Kunst-Preis = [German video art 1992-1994 : exhibition on the 6th Marl Video Art Prize]
[Verantwortlich, Uwe Rüth, Peter Anders]
Stadt Marl , Goethe-Institut, [1994]
6. Marler Video-Kunst-Preis : Dokumentation und Katalog zur Ausstellung 'Deutsche Video-Kunst 1992-1994'
6th Marl Video Art Prize : documentation and catalogue on the exhibition 'German video art 1992-1994'
Catalogue of the exhibition held in conjunction with the awarding of the City of Marl's 6th Prize for Achievement in Video Art at the Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten, Marl, June 19-July 10, 1994; Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, July 15-Aug. 14, 1994; Museum Folkwang Essen, Sept. 19-Oct. 2, 1994 and seven other locations
"6. Marler Video-Kunst-Preis, Dokumentation und Katalog zur Ausstellung 'Deutsche Video-Kunst 1992-1994'"--T.p. verso
"6th Marl Video Art Prize, documentation and catalogue on the exhibition 'German video art 1992-1994'"--P. 4 (2nd pt.)
Text proceeds from both "front" and "back" of volume
Exhibitors: Claus Blume, Katharina Wibmer, Thomas Zitzwitz ... [et al.]