Text ( visual ) : unmediated Outlines of a plan for uniting the King's and Marischal Universities of Aberdeen, with a view to render the system of education more complete. -- [Aberdeen] : [s.n.] , [1786]. -- 4 p. ; 22 cm. (4to). -- Caption title ; Anonymous. By William Ogilvie ; Dated at end: Aberdeen, July 20. 1786 ; Signatures: [A][2] ; References: ESTC T197194 ; 稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成. -- (BB05062301) ; https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BB05062301 Author Heading(s): Ogilvie, William. -- Subject Heading(s): LCSH : University of Aberdeen -- History