An account of the proceedings in the University of Cambridge : against William Frend, M.A. Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, for publishing a pamphlet, intitled Peace and union, &c. containing the proceedings in Jesus College, the trial in the vice-chanceller's court, and in the Court of delegates : published by the defendant
Printed by B. Flower, and sold by W.H. Lunn, and W. Page, Cambridge, also by G.G. and J. Robinson, London, J. March, Norwich, J. White, Wisbech, T. Shepherd, Bury, and J. Hedley, Lynn, 1793
Price from imprint: [Price four shillings and six-pence.]
Signatures: pi1 a-f[4] g[4](-g4) B-2L[4] [2M][2]
References: ESTC T12487
Includes index
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