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Clueless? Feel Like a Dummy? Get Demystified!
This versatile reference offers solid coverage of the basics oftraditional engineering statistics and also incorporates examplesfrom the most popular statistical software programs,making it equally valuable to professionals.
PrefaceAcknowledgmentsChapter 1: Treatment of Data Using EXCEL, MINITAB, SAS, SPSS, and STATISTIXChapter 2: ProbabilityChapter 3: Probability Distributions for Discrete Random VariablesChapter 4: Probability Densities for Continuous Random Variables and Introduction to MAPLEChapter 5: Sampling DistributionsChapter 6: Inferences Concerning MeansChapter 7: Inferences Concerning VariancesChapter 8: Inferences Concerning ProportionsFINAL EXAMINATIONSSOLUTIONS TO CHAPTER EXERCISESBIBLIOGRAPHYINDEX
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