Contemporary Asian society is marked by social processes associated with the loss of stable economic growth and high employment; family structures capable of caring for family members in need; and governmental economic and political competence. Post-financial crisis job uncertainty and income and labor market polarization have become important issue in Asian societies. Family structures are viewed as have been weakened, with a corresponding rise in divorce and domestic violence. Trust in the government is in decline. Against this backdrop it is timely to review three critical issues: 1) policies addressing work-related risks and socio-economic security; 2) changes regarding the structure and stability of families; and 3) issues concerning governance in times of weakened state capacity, declining trust, and the emergence of new politics. Containing chapters written by international scholars, this book introduces the concepts and theoretical approaches of risk and risk and governance and places them within the context of Asian societies.
- Chapter 1 Introduction: Risk and Public Policy in East Asia, Raymond K.H. Chan, Mutsuko Takahashi, Lillian Lih-rong Wang
- Part I Risk and Risk Regulation: Concepts and Practices
- Chapter 2 The Relevance of Social Science Approaches to Risk for Social Policy Research, Jens O. Zinn
- Chapter 3 1 The author would like to thank Julia Howe and Attila Szanto for their excellent research assistance in preparing for this chapter., Bridget M. Hutter
- Part II Risk and Family Changes
- Chapter 4 Risks, Family, and Gender Justice in Contemporary Japan, Mutsuko Takahashi
- Chapter 5 1 The research was the part of 'Gender Equality and Multicultural Conviviality in the Age of Globalization' (Global COE Project, Head investigator: Mari Osawa) and 'A Comparative Study of Care Regime and Social Integration in East Asia', supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B: No.21310168) from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). I thank Song Dayoung for her help, and helpful comments and suggestions from the editors, Mari Osawa, Heidi Gottfried, Karin Gottschall, Sawako Shirahase, Karen Shire, Kim Young, Kim Sujeong, Hwang Jungmee and Baek Sunhee on earlier versions of this chapter., Naoko Soma
- Chapter 6 New Social Risks and Family Change in Taiwan, Tsung-hsi Fu, Rhidian Hughes
- Chapter 7 Managing Family Risks in Hong Kong: How and Why, Raymond K.H. Chan
- Chapter 8 Managing Family-Related Risks in East Asia, Lillian Lih-rong Wang
- Part III Risk, Work and Socio-Economic Security
- Chapter 9 Unemployment and the Government's Role in a Risk Society: A Case Study in Taiwan, Fen-ling Chen
- Chapter 10 Managing Risks During a Financial Crisis: Promises and Fallacies of the Productive Welfare Model in Hong Kong, Raymond M.H. Ngan
- Chapter 11 Managing or Generating New Social Risks? Labour Market Changes and the Japanese Welfare Regime, Junko Yamashita
- Chapter 12 Comments on Socio-economic Security in Four East Asian Societies, Dukjin Chang
- Part IV Risk and its Governance
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