Key thinkers on space and place


Key thinkers on space and place

edited by Phil Hubbard and Rob Kitchin

SAGE, 2011

2nd ed

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

Key thinkers in space and place

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 23



Previous ed.: 2004

Includes bibliographical references and index

Already available in 2010



In this latest edition of Key Thinkers on Space and Place, editors Phil Hubbard and Rob Kitchin provide us with a fully revised and updated text that highlights the work of over 65 key thinkers on space and place. Unique in its concept, the book is a comprehensive guide to the life and work of some of the key thinkers particularly influential in the current 'spatial turn' in the social sciences. Providing a synoptic overview of different ideas about the role of space and place in contemporary social, cultural, political and economic life, each portrait comprises: Biographical information and theoretical context. An explication of their contribution to spatial thinking. An overview of key advances and controversie. Guidance on further reading. With 14 additional chapters including entries on Saskia Sassen, Tim Ingold, Cindi Katz and John Urry, the book covers ideas ranging from humanism, Marxism, feminism and post-structuralism to queer-theory, post-colonialism, globalization and deconstruction, presenting a thorough look at diverse ways in which space and place has been theorized. An essential text for geographers, this now classic reference text is for all those interested in theories of space and place, whether in geography, sociology, cultural studies, urban studies, planning, anthropology, or women's studies.


Preface to the Second Edition - Phil Hubbard and Rob Kitchin Introduction: Why Key Thinkers? - Phil Hubbard and Rob Kitchin Benedict Anderson - Euan Hague Mark Auge - Peter Merriman Trevor Barnes - Suzanne Reimer Jean Baudrillard - David B Clarke and Marcus A Doel Zygmunt Bauman - David B Clarke and Marcus A Doel Ulrich Beck - Lewis Holloway Brian Berry - Gordon L Clark Homi K Bhabha - Constantina Papoulias Pierre Bourdieu - Gary Bridge Judith Butler - Minelle Mahtani Anne Buttimer - Tom Mels Manuel Castells - Phil Hubbard Michel de Certeau - Mike Crang Stuart E Corbridge - Simon Batterbury Denis Cosgrove - Keith Lilley Mike Davis - Donald McNeill Michael Dear - Donald McNeill and Mark Tewdwr-Jones Gilles Deleuze - Marcus A Doel and David B Clarke Peter Dicken - Jonathan A Beaverstock Arturo Escobar - Simon Batterbury and Jude L Fernando Michel Foucault - Chris Philo J K Gibson-Graham - Wendy Larner Anthony Giddens - Barney Warf Reginald Golledge - Rob Kitchin Derek Gregory - Barney Warf Torsten Hagerstrand - Robin Flowerdew Peter Haggett - Robin Flowerdew Stuart Hall - Don Mitchell Donna Haraway - Lewis Holloway J Brian Harley - Keith Lilley David Harvey - Noel Castree bell hooks - Katherine McKittrick Tim Ingold - Hayden Lorimer Peter Jackson - Don Mitchell Cindi Katz - Tracey Skelton Bruno Latour - Eric Laurier Henri Lefebvre - Rob Shields David Ley - Paul Rodaway Kevin Lynch - John R Gold Doreen Massey - Felicity Callard Linda McDowell - Sarah Hall Anssi Paasi - Rhys Jones Allan Pred - Alan Latham Gillian Rose - Minelle Mahtani Edward W Said - Karen M Morin Saskia Sassen - James Faulconbridge Andrew Sayer - Andy C Pratt Amartya Sen - Simon Batterbury and Jude L Fernando David Sibley - Minelle Mahtani Neil Smith - Noel Castree Edward J Soja - Alan Latham Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - Robina Mohammad and James D Sidaway Michael Storper - Suzanne Reimer Peter Taylor - Jim Glassman Nigel Thrift - Barney Warf Gerard Toal - Euan Hague Waldo Tobler - Robin Flowerdew Yi-Fu Tuan - Paul Rodaway John Urry - Peter Adey Paul Virilio - David B Clarke and Marcus A Doel Immanuel Wallerstein - Jim Glassman Michael J Watts - Thomas Perreault Benno Werlen - Roland Lippuner Raymond Williams - Don Mitchell and Carrie Breitbach Alan Wilson - Graham Clarke Iris Marion Young - Felicity Callard Glossary

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  • ISBN
    • 9781849201018
    • 9781849201025
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Los Angeles
  • ページ数/冊数
    xv, 510 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名

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