Marketing Strategy, 7e is a focused, succinct text which can be used on its own or packaged with a case book. It covers the concepts and theories of creating and implementing a marketing strategy and offers a focus on the strategic planning process and marketing's cross/inter-functional relationships. This text distinguishes itself from competitors by maintaining a strong approach to strategic decision making. The Seventh Edition helps students integrate what they have learned about analytical tools and the 4P's of marketing within a broader framework of competitive strategy. Four key and relevant trends that are sweeping the world of marketing theory and practice are integrated throughout this new edition.
Table of Contents
Section One: Introduction to Strategy Chapter 1 Market-Oriented Perspectives Underlie Successful Corporate, Business, and Marketing Strategies Chapter 2 Corporate Strategy Decisions and Their Marketing Implications Chapter 3 Business Strategies and Their Marketing Implications Section Two: Opportunity Analysis Chapter 4 Understanding Market Opportunities Chapter 5 Measuring Market Opportunities: Forecasting and Market Knowledge Chapter 6 Targeting Attractive Market Segments Chapter 7 Differentiation and Brand Positioning Section Three: Formulating Marketing Strategies Chapter 8 Marketing Strategies for New Market Entries Chapter 9 Strategies for Growth Markets Chapter 10 Strategies for Mature and Declining Markets Chapter 11 Marketing Strategies for the New Economy Section Four: Implementation and Control Chapter 12 Organizing and Planning for Effective Implementation Chapter 13 Measuring and Delivering Marketing Performance
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