The German Colonial Experience provides readers with an understanding of how the Germans gained, explored, pacified, ruled, and exploited their colonies prior to their loss in World War I. Knoll and Hiery show how Africans, Chinese, and Pacific Islanders reacted to German rule, how the Germans ran the daily affairs of government, their vision for the colonized peoples, and how the colonizers and the colonized perceived one another. In other words, how did German colonial rule actually work? This book intensely scrutinizes colonial documents, most of them in German script, from archives not only in Germany, but also from places such as Australia, New Guinea, and Samoa. Many of these documents have never previously been published, even in the original German.
Chapter 1 Preface Chapter 2 Introduction Chapter 3 1. Colonial Agitation and Pre-history Chapter 4 2. Acquisition of Colonies Chapter 5 3. Charter Companies Chapter 6 4. Colonial Military and Police Chapter 7 5. Governance Chapter 8 6. Colonial Biographies Chapter 9 7. Law Chapter 10 8. Labor Chapter 11 9. Economy Chapter 12 10. Infrastructure Chapter 13 11. Science Chapter 14 12. Ecology Chapter 15 13. Religion Chapter 16 14. Education Chapter 17 15. Settler Societies and Self-Rule Chapter 18 18. Viewing the "Other" Chapter 19 19. Indigenous Responses to Colonial Rule Chapter 20 20. Judging the German Colonial Performance Chapter 21 Abbreviations Chapter 22 Sources for the Documents
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