Translation studies and humour studies are disciplines that have been long established but have seldom been looked at in conjunction. This volume looks at the intersection of the two disciplines as found in the media -- on television, in film and in print. From American cable drama to Japanese television this collection shows the range and insight of contemporary cross-disciplinary approaches to humour and translation. Featuring a diverse and global range of contributors, this is a unique addition to existing literature in translation studies and it will appeal to a wide cross-section of scholars and postgraduates.
Part I. Translating Humour in the Global Media
1. That's Not Funny Here: Humorous Advertising Across Boundaries
2. Humor In Translated Cartoons and Comics
3. And the Oscar Goes To...: A Study of the Simultaneous Interpretation of Humour at the Academy Awards Ceremony
Part II. Translating Humour on Screen
4. Japanese TV Entertainment: Framing Humour With Open Caption Telop
5. The Importance of Not Being Earnest: Translating Humour in Video Games
6. Translating Audiovisual Humour: A Hong Kong Case Study
Part III. Humour, Translating and Quality
7. Audiences and Translated Humour: An Empirical Study
8. Language-Play, Translation, and Quality - With Examples From Dubbing and Subtitling
Part IV. Translating Humour for the Big Screen
9. Woody Allen's Themes Through His Films, and His Films Through Their Translations
10. On the (Mis/Over/Under) Translation Of The Marx Brothers' Humour
Part V. Translating Sitcoms
11. Language, Comedy and Translation in the BBC Sitcom 'Allo'Allo!
12. Laughing To Death: Dubbed and Subtitled Humour In Six Feet Under
13. Dynamic Versus Static Discourse: Will & Grace and Its Spanish Dubbed Version