Studies on Xinjiang historical sources in 17-20th centuries
edited by James A. Millward, Shinmen Yasushi, Sugawara Jun
(Toyo Bunko research library, 12)
Toyo Bunko, 2010
愛媛大学 図書館 図
中央大学 中央図書館 東史 951.6/S9300024730491
東京都立大学 図書館 歴史 /222.8/Mi27s10005073582
奈良大学 図書館 図 222.8/Mi27893765
日本女子大学 図書館 研究室 2377476
明治大学 図書館 本 222.8||2||||D2201100163
Based on the papers presented at "International Workshop on Xinjiang Historical Sources" which has been held at Hakone, Japan in 2004 "The research presented here covers a long time period and wide range of subjects, demonstrating the exciting new directions historical work on the Xinjiang region has taken in recent years, thanks both to the discovery of new sources and deepening sophistication of work with existing materials. It is hoped that the chapters here will inform other scholars of what is being done and what is possible in the field of Xinjiang history, and thus stimulate further and better work. In particular, younger scholars just starting out will find in this volume valuable surveys of manuscripts, catalogues of texts, entrées into archives, and hints about methodology that will clarify the contours of the field and lower 'barriers to entry.' Finally, publication in English by the Toyo Bunko will, we hope, alert a broader readership to the fine work done in this field by East Asian, Central Asian and European scholars"--Introd. (p. 3) Includes bibliographical references and index
Toyo Bunko
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