History of the nation of the archers (the Mongols) . The Mongolian names and terms in the History of the nation of the archers by Grigor of Arkancʿ
by Grigor of Akancʿ ; hitherto ascribed to Магакʿiа the monk ; the Armenian text edited with an English translation and notes by Robert P. Blake and Richard N. Frye . Francis Woodman Cleaves
Published for Harvard-Yenching Institute by Harvard University Press, 1954
History of the nation of the archers and Mongolian names and terms in the history of the nation of the archers
"Reprinted from the Harvard journal of Asiatic studies, volume 12 (December 1949), numbers 3 and 4, pp. 269-443."--T.p. verso
Bibliography: p. 124-125