The Handbook of Risk and Crisis Communication explores the scope and purpose of risk, and its counterpart, crisis, to facilitate the understanding of these issues from conceptual and strategic perspectives. Recognizing that risk is a central feature of our daily lives, found in relationships, organizations, governments, the environment, and a wide variety of interactions, contributors to this volume explore such questions as "What is likely to happen, to whom, and with what consequences?" "To what extent can science and vigilance prevent or mitigate negative outcomes?" and "What obligation do some segments of local, national, and global populations have to help other segments manage risks?", shedding light on the issues in the quest for definitive answers.
The Handbook offers a broad approach to the study of risk and crisis as joint concerns. Chapters explore the reach of crisis and risk communication, define and examine key constructs, and parse the contexts of these vital areas. As a whole, the volume presents a comprehensive array of studies that highlight the standard principles and theories on both topics, serving as the largest effort to date focused on engaging risk communication discussions in a comprehensive manner.
Now available in paperback, the Handbook of Risk and Crisis Communication can be readily used in graduate coursework and individual research programs. With perspectives from psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, economics, and communication, the Handbook provides vital insights for all disciplines studying risk, and is required reading for scholars and researchers investigating risk and crisis in various contexts.
Section One: Exploring the Reach of Crisis and Risk Communication
Chapter 1: The Significance of Risk and Crisis Communication, Robert L. Heath & Dan O'Hair Chapter 2: Historical Trends in Risk and Crisis Communication, Michael J. Palenchar
Chapter 3: Cultural Theory and Risk, James Tansey and Steve Rayner
Chapter 4: Risk Communication: Insights and Requirements for Designing Successful Communication Programs on Health and Environmental Hazards, Ortwin Renn
Chapter 5: Conceptualizing Crisis Communication, W. Timothy Coombs
Chapter 6: The Precautionary Principle and Risk Communication, Steve McGuire and Jaye Ellis
Section Two: Key Constructs in Risk and Crisis Communication
Chapter 7: Strategies for Overcoming Challenges to Risk Communication, Vincent Covello
Chapter 8: Risk Communication Education for Local Emergency Manager: Using the CAUSE Model for Research, Education, and Outreach, Kathy Rowen, Carl Botan, Gary Kreps, Sergi Samoilenko, and Karen Farnsworth.
Chapter 9: Risk and Social Dramaturgy, Ingar Palmlund
Chapter 10: Myths and Maxims of Risk and Crisis Communication, Peter A. Anderson and Brian H. Spitzberg
Chapter 11: The Ecological Perspective and Other Ways to (Re)Consider Cultural Factors in Risk Communication, Linda Aldoory
Chapter 12: Science Literary and Risk Analysis: Relationship to the Postmodernist Critique, Conservative Christian Activists, and Professional Obfuscators, Mike Ryan
Chapter 13: Influence Theories: Rhetorical, Persuasion, and Informational, Jeff Springston, Elizabeth Johnson Avery, and Lynne M. Sallot
Chapter 14: Raising the Alarm and Calming Fears: Perceived Threat and Efficacy During Risk and Crisis, Anthony J. Roberto, Catherine E. Goodall, and Kim Witte
Chapter 15: Crisis Response Communication, Image Restoration, and Apologia, Rob Ulmer, Matt Seeger et al.
Chapter 16: Risk Communication by Organizations: The Back Story, Caron Chess and Branden Johnson
Chapter 17: Ethical Responsibility and Guidelines for Management Issues of Risk and Risk Management, Shannon Bowen
Chapter 18: Linking Public Participation and Decision Making through Risk Communication, Katherine McComas, Joseph Arvai, and John C. Besley
Chapter 19: Warming Warnings: Global Challenges of Risk and Crisis Communication, David McKie and Christopher Galloway
Chapter 20: Risk, Crisis, and Mediated Communication, Kurt Neurwirth
Chapter 21: Crises and Risk in Cyberspace, Kirk Hallahan
Chapter 22: Virtual Risk: The Role of New Media in Violent and Nonviolent Ideological Groups, Matthew T. Allen, Amanda D. Angie, Josh L. Davis, Cristina L. Byrne, H. Dan O'Hair, Shane Connelly, and Michael D. Mumford
Chapter 23: Community Building through Communication Infrastructures, Robert L. Heath, Michael Palenchar, and Dan O'Hair
Section Three: Contexts of Crisis and Risk Communication
Chapter 24: Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication in Health Contexts: Applying the CDC Model to Pandemic Influenza, Matthew W. Seeger, Barbara Reynolds, and Timothy L. Sellnow
Chapter 25: How People Think about Cancer: A Mental Approach, Julie S. Down, Wandi Bruine de Bruin, Baruch Fischhoff, Bradford Hesse, and Ed Maibach
Chapter 26: Killing and Other Campus Violence: Restorative Enrichment of Risk and Crisis Communication, Cindi Atkinson, Courtney Vaughn, and Jami VanCamp
Chapter 27: Denial, Differentiation & Apology: On the Use of Apologia in Crisis Management, Keith Hearit and Kasie Mitchell Robeson
Chapter 28: Risk Communication and Biotechnology: A Discourse Perspective, Shirley Leitch and Judy Motion
Chapter 29: Precautionary Principle and Biotechnology: Regulators Are from Mars and Activists Are from Venus, Stephanie Proutheau and Robert L. Heath
Chapter 30: Environmental Quality, Tarla Peterson and Jessica Leigh Thompson
Chapter 31: Knowing Terror: On the Epistemology and Rhetoric of Risk, Kevin J. Ayotte, H. Dan O'Hair, and Daniel Rex Bernard
Chapter 32: Magnifying Risk and Crisis: The Influence of Communication Technology on Contemporary Global Terrorism, Michael D. Bruce, Kristin Shamas, and Dan O'Hair
Chapter 33: Opportunity Knocks: Putting Communication Research into the Travel and Tourism Risk and Crisis Literature, Lynne M. Sallot, Jeffrey K. Springston, and Elizabeth Johnson Avery
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