Breathing is performed by the rhythmic contraction of respiratory muscles. It ma- tains homeostasis of the organism by taking in the oxygen necessary to live and work and by controlling the level of CO within the organism. At first glance, breathing 2 seems simple; however, it is produced by a complex system in the brain with various afferents and efferents. The control of breathing is of the utmost importance in s- taining life, and although more than 150 years have passed since research on brea- ing control was first begun, many unsolved mysteries still remain. Breathing is like watching the tides at a beach that are created by the vast, complex open sea. The first Oxford Conference on Modeling and Control of Breathing was held 30 years ago in September of 1978 at the University Laboratory of Physiology in Oxford, England. During this first conference, the participants engaged in a hot d- cussion on the problem of whether breathing rhythm was produced by pacemaker cells or a neural network. This was before the discovery of the Boetinger complex in the medulla, and at the time, central chemoreceptive areas were still the focus of research. This conference was an especially unforgettable moment in the dawning of the new age of respiratory research. It has since been held every 3 years in various countries around the globe and is widely appreciated as the best respiratory meeting in the world.
Part I Comparative Aspects
1 Evidence for a Distributed Respiratory Rhythm Generating Network in the Goldfish (Carsssius auratus)
2 Fictive Lung Ventilation in the Isolated Brainstem Preparation of the Aquatic Frog, Xenopus Laevis
Part II Development
3 Loss of Pre-Inspiratory Neuron Synchroneity in Mice with DSCAM Deficiency
4 Occurrence of central respiratory failure in mouse model depend on host genetic background
5 Adrenaline modulates on the Respiratory Network Development
6 Ontogeny of Cl- homeostasis in mouse hypoglossal nucleus.
7 Anatomical Changes of Phrenic Motoneurons During Development
8 Postnatal changes in morphology and dendritic organization of neurones located in the area of the K?lliker-Fuse nucleus of rat
Part III Modeling
9 Geometrical analysis of bursting pacemaker neurons generated by computational models: comparison to in vitro pre-B?tzinger complex bursting neurons
10 Origami Model for Breathing Alveoli
11 Biologically variable respiration as a stochastic process in ventilation - a stochastic model study
12 Future Perspectives - Proposal for Oxford Physiome Project
13 Homeostatic competition: Evidence of a serotonin-gated spinoparabrachial pathway for respiratory and thermoregulatory interaction
14 A Simplified Model for Explaining Negative Feedback to Beginners in Life Sciences
15 Paradoxical Potentiation of Exercise Hyperpnea in Congestive Heart Failure Contradicts Sherrington Chemoreflex Model and Supports a Respiratory Optimization Model
Part IV Respiratory rhythm generation
16 Indirect Opioid Actions on Inspiratory pre-B?tzinger Complex Neurons in Newborn Rat Brainstem Slices
17 Multiphoton/Confocal Ca2+-Imaging of Inspiratory pre-B?tzinger Complex Neurons at the Rostral or Caudal Surfaceof Newborn Rat Brainstem Slices
18 Phox2b expressing neurons in the most rostral medulla of newborn rats
19 Depression by Ca2+ and stimulation by K+ of Fictive Inspiratory Rhythm in Newborn Rat Brainstem Slices
20 Glycinergic interneurons in the respiratory network of the rhythmic slice preparation
Part V Neuromodulation
21 Cholinergic sensitivity of the developing bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) does not explain vulnerability to chronic nicotine exposure
22 Modulation of respiratory activity by hypocretin-1 (orexin A) in situ and in vitro
23 Effect of JM-1232(-), a New Sedative on Central Respiratory Activity in Newborn Rats
24 PACAP modulates the respiratory rhythm generated in the brainstem slice preparation
25 Caffeine Reversal of Opioid-Evoked and Endogenous Inspiratory Depression in Perinatal Rat En Bloc Medullas and Slices
26 Acute Morphine Effects on Respiratory Activity in Mice with Target Deletion of the Tachykinin 1 Gene (Tac1-/-)
Part VI Respiratory rhythm & motor pattern generation
27 Active Inspiratory-Expiratory Phase Switching Mechanism exists in the Neonatal Nucleus Parabrachialis
28 Influence of 5-HT2A Receptor Blockade on Phrenic Nerve Discharge at Three Levels of Extracellular K+ in Arterially-Perfused Adult Rat
29 The Generation of Post-Inspiratory Activity in Laryngeal Motoneurons: A Review
30 Plasticity of Respiratory Rhythm-generating Mechanisms in Adult Goats
31 Abdominal Respiratory Motor Pattern in the Rat
32 What Does the Multi-peaked Respiratory Output Pattern Tell Us About the Respiratory Pattern Generating Neuronal Network?
33 The Diaphragm: a Hidden but Essential Organ for the Mammal and the Human
34 Upper Airway and Abdominal Motor Output During Sneezing: Is the In Vivo Decerebrate Rat an Adequate Model?
35 Laudanosine has No Effects on Respiratory A
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