The Routledge Companion to Christian History is an indispensable aid for anyone seeking comprehensive coverage of the facts in clear, concise and easy to use language. It covers:
all key events in the Christian calendar from the persecution of the Roman Empire to the fall of Communism and the rise of Fundamentalism
the impact of Islam, the Crusades, Monasticism, and the spread of popular religious movements
cross-cultural coverage; as well as Western Christendom, the Orthodox churches of the East and the 'new' churches of Asia and Africa.
Fully cross referenced throughout with a combination of chronologies, glossary and statistics this packed volumes contains everything for the first time student or for anyone revisiting the subject.
The Early Church. The Spread and Development of Christianity. The Conversion of the British Isles. The Impact of Islam. The Northern Crusades: The Teutonic Knights and Northern Europe. Papacy and Empire: The Struggle for Supremacy. Monasticism and Religious Orders. The Church Militant: The Crusades and the Holy Land. Medieval Heresy: The Albigensian Crusade. The Eastern Church: Iconoclasm 1054 and Rus 13. The Great Schism: The Avignon Papacy. Luther and the Reformation in Germany. Calvin Geneva and French Protestantism. The Reformation in England and Scotland. The Radical Reformation: Anabaptists. The Counter-Reformation and the Council of Trent The Church Revolutionary: Liberation Theology in Latin America. The Decline of European Christianity. The Church in the Contemporary World: Crisis and Controversies
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