Sarah Brightman : the Eden tour
Angel , Toshiba EMI [distributor], 1999, c1999
ビデオレコード(ビデオ (カセット))
サラ・ブライトマン : ライヴ・イン・コンサート
One night in Eden : Sarah Brightman live in concert
Chiefly for voice and acc
Sung or spoken in English (3rd-6th, 10th-12th and 14th-21st works), Italian (7th-9th and 13th), Occitan (1st) and Latin (2nd); with Japanese subtitles
Added titles from label and leaflet
Sarah Brightman, narrator and vocal ; Kwantle Ga-Afrika Choir ; Mathew Scrivener, violin and conductor ; Alan Vosper, guitar ; Trevor Barry, electric bass guitar ; Malcom Maddock, keyboard ; Martin Beadle, drums ; Gillian McDonagh, percussion
Credits: Musical director, Peter Murray ; producer, Frank Peterson
Recorded and filmed at Superbowl/Sun City, South Africa
VHS Hi-fi; stereo
Angel: TOVW-3775