Joseph A. Schumpeter was a monumental figure in the history and development of economics. This work brings together his brilliant lectures, delivered more than a century ago, in its first English-language paperback edition. Here, readers will discover Schumpeter's search for an economic science devoid of moral or political dogma.
The Nature and Essence of Economic Theory
works out what people should think of pure economics, what its nature is, what its methods and findings are, and where thought takes off from there. The book shows the limitations and weaknesses of nineteenth-century economics and how the field could be and was improved by establishing a fundamental differentiation between 'statistics' and 'dynamics'. To convey his arguments, Schumpeter uses certain axioms that form a consistent, self-contained system and show how sound economic science is based on facts and events rather than presuppositions or definitions.Schumpeter's larger aim, beyond a pedagogic tool, was to deduce changes in the market, trade, and exchange of goods and services. He defined the task of economy as the description of the system and its change tendencies. If that can be achieved unequivocally, without resorting to doctrine or dogma, then the field can be considered self-contained.
- 1: Introduction to the Transaction Edition
- 1: Preface to the First Paperback Edition
- 1: Preface
- One: Conditions of Development of the Political Systems of the Historical Bureaucratic Empires
- 1: The Historical Bureaucratic Polities The Setting and the Problem
- 2: The Fundamental Characteristics of the Political Systems and the Social Conditions of Their Development Basic Hypotheses
- 3: The Economic Structure of the Historical Bureaucratic Societies
- 4: Religious and Cultural Organization and Orientation
- 5: Social Organization and Stratification
- 6: The Social Conditions and the Institutionalization of the Political Systems
- Two: Conditions of Perpetuation of the Political Systems of the Historical Bureaucratic Empires
- 7: The Policies of the Rulers
- 8: The Political Orientations and Activities of the Major Groups and Strata
- 9: The Social Determinants of the Political Processes A Comparative Analysis
- 10: The Place of the Bureaucracy in the Political Process
- 11: The Place of the Political Process in the Social Structures of the Centralized Empires
- 12: Processes of Change in the Political Systems
- 13: Conclusions
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