The 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI Inter- tional 2009, was held in San Diego, California, USA, July 19-24, 2009, jointly with the Symposium on Human Interface (Japan) 2009, the 8th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, the 5th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, the Third International Conf- ence on Virtual and Mixed Reality, the Third International Conference on Internati- alization, Design and Global Development, the Third International Conference on Online Communities and Social Computing, the 5th International Conference on A- mented Cognition, the Second International Conference on Digital Human Modeling, and the First International Conference on Human Centered Design. A total of 4,348 individuals from academia, research institutes, industry and gove- mental agencies from 73 countries submitted contributions, and 1,397 papers that were judged to be of high scientific quality were included in the program. These papers - dress the latest research and development efforts and highlight the human aspects of the design and use of computing systems. The papers accepted for presentation thoroughly cover the entire field of human-computer interaction, addressing major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of application areas.
eLearning and Education.- Arab Children's Reading Preference for Different Online Fonts.- Adaptation Decisions and Profiles Exchange among Open Learning Management Systems Based on Agent Negotiations and Machine Learning Techniques.- Accessing e-Learning Systems via Screen Reader: An Example.- Using Tablet PCs and Pen-Based Technologies to Support Engineering Education.- Optimal Affective Conditions for Subconscious Learning in a 3D Intelligent Tutoring System.- Computer-Based Learning to Improve Breast Cancer Detection Skills.- Virtual Classroom and Communicability: Empathy and Interaction for All.- Communicability for Virtual Learning: Evaluation.- Attention and Motivation in Hypermedia Systems.- A Web-Based, Interactive Annotation Editor for the eCampus Development Environment for SCORM Compliant E-Learning Modules.- An Innovative Way of Understanding Learning Processes: Eye Tracking.- A Set of Rules and Strategies for UNSAM Virtual Campus.- HCI Professional Involvement in k-12 Education: On Target or Missing the Mark?.- A Language Learning System Utilizing RFID Technology for Total Physical Response Activities.- Promoting Metacognition in Immersive Cultural Learning Environments.- The Application of the Flexilevel Approach for the Assessment of Computer Science Undergraduates.- Development of Ubiquitous On-Demand Study Support Environment for Nursing Students.- The Effects of Prior Knowledge on the Use of Adaptive Hypermedia Learning Systems.- Supporting Learners in Adaptive Learning Environments through the Enhancement of the Student Model.- The Concept of IMPRESSION: An Interactive Instruction System and Its Practice for Real-Time Distance Lessons between U.S. and Japan.- Improving Children's Writing Ability.- From Paper to Module - An Integrated Environment for Generating SCORM Compliant Moodle Courses Out of Text and Multimedia Elements.- Development of a Simulator of Abacus: Ancient Analog Calculator on a Mobile Phone as a Teaching Material.- A Proposal for a Framework for an e-Alumni Program Using SNS.- Supporting End-User Development of Personalized Mobile Learning Tools.- Didactic Models as Design Representations.- Interactive Learning Panels.- WebELS: A Content-Centered E-Learning Platform for Postgraduate Education in Engineering.- A Pen-Based Teaching System for Children and Its Usability Evaluation.- Development of a Visualised Sound Simulation Environment: An e-Approach to a Constructivist Way of Learning.- Games and Entertainment.- Causal Links of Presence.- Games Design Principles for Improving Social Web Applications.- A Multiple-Level 3D-LEGO Game in Augmented Reality for Improving Spatial Ability.- An Online Survey System on Computer Game Enjoyment and Personality.- Playability Testing of Web-Based Sport Games with Older Children and Teenagers.- Exploring the Elements and Design Criteria of Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) Interfaces.- Healthcare Game Design: Behavioral Modeling of Serious Gaming Design for Children with Chronic Diseases.- Analyzing Human Behaviors in an Interactive Art Installation.- The Effects of Quest Types and Gaming Motivations on Players' Knowledge Acquisitions in an Online Role-Playing Game Environment.- Self-movement Feeling Generation in Sports Watching with Screen Movement via Pan-Tilt Steerable Projector.- Design of Interactive Emotional Sound Edutainment System.- Understanding Online Game Addiction: Connection between Presence and Flow.- The Experience of Presence in 3D Web Environment: An Analysis of Korean Second Life.- Influence of Real-World Ten-Pin Bowling Experience on Performance during First-Time Nintendo Wii Bowling Practice.- Emotionally Adapted Games - An Example of a First Person Shooter.- DiamondTheater: A System for Reproducing Theater and Supporting Creative Activities.- Work, Collaboration and Business.- New Health Information Systems (HIS) Quality-in-Use Model Based on the GQM Approach and HCI Principles.- An Information Visualization Approach to Hospital Shifts Scheduling.- Designed to Fit: Challenges of Interaction Design for Clothes Fitting Room Technologies.- Usability for Poll Workers: A Voting System Usability Test Protocol.- CAD and Communicability: A System That Improves the Human-Computer Interaction.- A Novel Visualization Tool for Evaluating Medication Side-Effects in Multi-drug Regimens.- Design of a Web Intervention to Change Youth Smoking Habits.- Smart Makeup Mirror: Computer-Augmented Mirror to Aid Makeup Application.- Studying Reactive, Risky, Complex, Long-Spanning, and Collaborative Work: The Case of IT Service Delivery.- Human Computer Interaction in Virtual Standardized Patient Systems.- Towards Standardized Pen-Based Annotation of Breast Cancer Findings.- ImproV: A System for Improvisational Construction of Video Processing Flow.- E-Assessment: A Suitable Alternative for Measuring Competences?.- Green Advocate in E-Commerce.- Gesture-Based Sharing of Documents in Face-to-Face Meetings.- Developing, Deploying and Assessing Usage of a Movie Archive System among Students of Film Studies.- Using Activity Descriptions to Generate User Interfaces for ERP Software.- Developing a Nomenclature for EMR Errors.- Mapping for Multi-source Visualization: Scientific Information Retrieval Service (SIRS).- Client-Side Visualization of Internet Forums for Information Retrieval.- Social-Technical Tools for Collaborative Sensemaking and Sketching.- Developing Some User Interfaces of TV under Enormous Channels Environment.- Electronic Glassboard - Conception and Implementation of an Interactive Tele-presence Application.- A New Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) Proposal through the Analysis of ATMs of Three Banks.- Advanced Applications.- Designing Usable Bio-information Architectures.- Run-Time Adaptation of a Universal User Interface for Ambient Intelligent Production Environments.- Heuristic Evaluation of Mission-Critical Software Using a Large Team.- Interface Development for Early Notification Warning System: Full Windshield Head-Up Display Case Study.- Reflections on the Interdisciplinary Collaborative Design of Mapping the Universe.- Distilling Support Opportunities to Improve Urban Search and Rescue Missions.- A New Approach to Design an Interactive System for Molecular Analysis.- The Differences of Aviation Human Factors between Individualism and Collectivism Culture.- Web-Based Training System for Improving Aviation Maintenance Performance.- Allocating Human-System Interfaces Functions by Levels of Automation in an Advanced Control Room.- Development of an Expert System as a User Interface for an RFID Application.- Developing a Validation Methodology for Educational Driving Simulators and a Case Study.- Developing a Usable Mobile Flight Case Learning System in Air Traffic Control Miscommunications.
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