Committed to Excellence. This edition continues the evolution of Raven & Johnson's Biology. The author team is committed to continually improving the text, keeping the student and learning foremost. We have integrated new pedagogical features to guide the student through the learning process. This latest edition of the text maintains the clear, accessible, and engaging writing style of past editions with the solid framework of pedagogy that highlights an emphasis on evolution and scientific inquiry that have made this a leading textbook for students majoring in biology. This emphasis on the organizing power of evolution is combined with an integration of the importance of cellular, molecular biology and genomics to offer our readers a text that is student friendly and current. Our author team is committed to producing the best possible text for both student and faculty. The lead author, Kenneth Mason, University of Iowa, has taught majors biology at three different major public universities for more than fifteen years. Jonathan Losos, Harvard University, is at the cutting edge of evolutionary biology research, and Susan Singer, Carleton College, has been involved in science education policy issues on a national level.
Raven/Biology, 9/e - Table of ContentsPart 1: The Molecular Basis of Life 1 - The Science of Biology2 - The Nature of Molecules3 - The Chemical Building Blocks of LifePart II: Biology of the Cell4 - Cell Structure5 - Membranes 6 - Energy and Metabolism7 - How Cells Harvest Energy8 - Photosynthesis9 - Cell Communication10 - How Cells DividePart III: Genetic and Molecular Biology 11 - Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis12 - Patterns of Inheritance13 - Chromosomes, Matting & the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection14 - DNA: The Genetic Material15 - Genes and How They Work16 - Control of Gene Expression17 - Biotechnology18 - Genomics19 - Cellular Mechanisms of DevelopmentPart IV: Evolution20 - Genes Within Populations21 - The Evidence for Evolution22 - The Origin of Species23 - Systematics and the Phylogenetic Revolution24 - Genome Evolution25 - Evolution of DevelopmentPart V: Diversity of Life on Earth26 - The Tree of Life27 - Viruses28 - Prokaryotes29 - Protists30 - Overview of Green Plants31 - Fungi32 - Overview of Animal Diversity33 - Noncoelomate Invertebrates34 - Coelomate Invertebrates35 - VertebratesPart VI: Plant Form and Function36 - Plant Form37 - Vegetative Plant Development38 - Transport in Plants39 - Plant Nutrition and Soils40 - Plant Defense Responses41 - Sensory Systems in Plants42 - Plant ReproductionPart VII: Animal Form and Function43 - The Animal Body and Principles of Regulation44 - The Nervous System45 - Sensory Systems46 - The Endocrine System47 - The Musculoskeletal System48 - The Digestive System49 - The Respiratory System50 - The Circulatory System51 - Osmotic Regulation and the Urinary System52 - The Immune System53 - The Reproductive System54 - Animal DevelopmentPart VIII: Ecology and Behavior55 - Behavioral Biology56 - Population Ecology57 - Community of Ecology58 - Dynamics of Ecosystems59 - The Biosphere60 - Conservation Biology
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