Does IT poison the minds of the young? Must educational institutions change to serve the needs of the twenty-first century? This book addresses these questions and more. It records the intellectual struggles of a group of scholars coming to grips with changes in knowledge production and research communication. Together these authors demonstrate how philosophical and historical approaches are relevant to the practice and theory of education.
1. Networks and Technologies: on the Continuity and Change of Educational Research and Practice.- 2. www.thedevelopmentofknowledge.net .- 3. Networks, Information Politics, and the New Paradigm of Social Production.- 4. Networks as Spaces and Places: Their Importance for Educational Research Collaboration.- 5. The Role of Electronic Reading and Writing in Networking and in Educational Research: What Difference Does it Make?.- 6. On the Position of the Educationalist Intellectual in the Information Age: Shouldn't We Become Meta-modern Artists?.- 7. The Hidden Homogenization of Educational Research: On Opening up the Sphere of Responsiveness.- 8. Network, Critique, Conversation: Towards a Rethinking of Educational Research Methods Training.- 9. Research in Motion: Doctoral Programmes at the Network University.- 10. Public Space in a Network Society? A Note on the Call for Public Space (Philosophy) in Education Today.- 11. 'Erasmus the Albatross': The Transmission of Ideas as Information.- 12. Penelope's work: Only Disconnect.- 13. Normalizing Parenthood Once Again: What it Means to be a Parent Today.- 14. True Love Waits: Abstinence Education in the U.S.A..- 15. Punishment as an Educational Technology - A Form of Pedagogical Inertia in Schools?.- 16. Notes on Contributors.- 17. Index.
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