Regulation continues to be an important issue in the postal and delivery sector of the global economy. This latest volume in the Advances in Regulatory Economics series reflects the latest research on trends and policies affecting the postal sector and progress made in the industry's competitive agenda. It is global in scope and covers a broad range of legal and economic issues from leading scholars, researchers, and policy makers.Topics covered include: service quality and price caps, the impact of price regulation on service quality, financing the USO, cost analysis and pricing of innovative postal products, postal demand studies, the effects of intermedia competition; mail order demand; Internet advertising, trends in direct mail, legal and regulatory issues related to the postal sector, competitive strategies in the parcel market, and environmental impacts of mail. The book also provides concrete analyses of the driving forces underlying restructuring, transformation and privatization strategies of postal operators.
Scholars and practitioners in public sector economics and postal regulation will appreciate this in-depth treatment of their industry.
1. Service Quality, Price Caps and the USO Under Entry
Michael A. Crew and Paul R. Kleindorfer
2. Estimating the Impact of Price Regulation on Service Quality in Post
Gregory Swinand, Sean Lyons, Michael O'Grady and David Murphy
3. Price and Quality of Service Regulation in Portugal
Joao Castro and Agostinho Franco
4. Competition through Downstream Access in the UK Postal Sector: The First Four Years
Paul Dudley, Stephen Agar, Leonardo Mautino and Felipe Florez Duncan
5. A Dynamic and Endogenous Approach to Financing the USO in a
Liberalized Environment
Francois Boldron, Claire Borsenberger, Denis Joram, Sebastien Lecou and Bernard Roy
6. Postal Costing Beyond ABC: Estimating the Economic Cost of Mails
Richard Robinson and Jane McMurdie
7. Costing Elements of the Universal Service
Richard Bradley, Phil Burns and George Houpis
8. Calculating the Cost of the Universal Service Obligation: The Need for a Global Approach
Christian Jaag, Martin Koller and Urs Trinkner
9. Cost Analysis and Pricing of Innovative Postal Products
Louis F. O'Brien, Leon A. Pintsov and Andrei Obrea
10. Some Welfare and Pricing Implications of Alternative Regimes for Value-Added Taxation of Postal Services
Philippe De Donder, Helmuth Cremer, Paul Dudley and Frank Rodriguez
11. Postal Price Elasticities and Intermedia Competition: A Multisided
Market Approach
Vincenzo Visco Comandini, Michael Lintell, Stefano Gori, Maria Rita Pierleoni and Bradley Tisdahl
12. Network Externalities and the USO: A Two-sided Market Approach
Francois Boldron, Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Denis Joram and Bernard Roy
13. Mail Order Businesses Demand: A Conceptual Approach
Xavier Ambrosini, Sebastien Breville, Joel Cornee and Olaf Klargaard
14. Internet Advertising and Direct Mail: Trends and Analysis for the UK
Soterios Soteri, Frederique Feve, Jean-Pierre Florens and Frank Rodriguez
15. Using Operating Data to Measure Labor Input Variability and Density Economies in United States Postal Service Mail Processing Operations
A. Thomas Bozzo
16. Do Differences in Facility-Specific Mail Processing Unit Costs Have
Implications for the Cost of the Universal Service Obligation?
Margaret Cigno, Diane Monaco and Matthew Robinson
17. The EU Postal Services and Public Procurement Law: Legal and
Regulatory Issues for the Postal Sector
Alessandra Fratini and Fabio Filpo
18. How Should Regulation be Adjusted when Universal Service Substitution Grows?
Pekka Leskinen, Peter Karlsson, Heikki Nikali and Paivi Rokkanen
19. Market Entry and Competitive Strategies in the German B2B Parcel
Helmut M. Dietl, Markus Lang, Martin Lutzenberger and Stephan M. Wagner
20. Bank of America, Mail, and the Environment
Lawrence G. Buc and Peter A. Soyka
21. Innovation in Postal Products and Pricing: Opportunities and Obstacles in the Reform Era
Robert A.F. Reisner, Maynard Benjamin and Derek Osborn
22. The IPO as a Driving Force in the Change Process
Peter Koppe, Christian Bosch, Silke Hoemstreit and Stefan Pohl
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