How to manage people through continuous change
Carol Kinsey Goman
(Stanford executive briefings)
Stanford Video , Kantola Productions, c2007
ビデオレコード(ビデオ (ディスク))
Credits: Director, Gorden Gurley
Taped live August 8, 2007 at Stanford University
Summary: "Change is no longer an event. Change is business as usual. Success today is dependent on keeping your workforce engaged while your organization is constantly being turned upside down. Yet, employees are skeptical about committing to business strategies that are continuously being redefined. So how do you successfully implement a change initiative? By communicating to employees both the WIIFM ("What's In It For Me?") benefits of your plan and the negative consequences for the viability of your team if they don't get on board. Carol Kinsey Goman explains what it takes to go from "surviving change" to "thriving on change"" -- Container
Stanford Video , Kantola Productions
ビデオレコード (ビデオ (ディスク))