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: softcover ISBN 9780880390460
Most people who enjoy watercolours think of the medium as fresh, intimate and congenial. Many would naturally associate it with the lesser arts and would not consider it to be very old. Nevertheless, the medium, far from being new, boasts a long and complex history, which has placed watercolour at the very centre of the inter-relationship between artist and public during the last three centuries. This catalogue represents the rich tradition of watercolour painting in Britain from the 18th century to the 20th and includes works by some of the most important artists in this medium.
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: hardcover ISBN 9781858943008
With a fore-word by animal behaviourist Desmond Morris, this book examines humankind's relationship with the animal kingdom as depicted in art. Included are paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings and photographs ranging from scientific illustrations to portraiture by artists such as Van Gogh, Stubbs, Kandinsky, Rousseau and many others.
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