Bibliographic Information

Organizing health services

edited by Graeme Currie and Martin Kitchener

(Organizing and managing public services)

Sage, 2010

  • : set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4

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Description and Table of Contents


Convergence between models of public and private sector management in recent years has turned the research of public services organizations into a fertile and expanding field. This four-volume set, part of the new Organizing and Managing Public Services series, brings together a collection of keynote papers spanning research and practice across health services worldwide, bridging the gap between organization studies and literature more specific to the sociology of health and illness, social policy and health services research. With papers selected through a qualitative, systematic process of peer review, this collection is an essential resource for libraries, and will be an invaluable aid to teachers and lecturers in structuring courses and referring their students to the key literature. " Organizing and Managing Public Services is a series of first-class reference collections, bringing a management and organization studies focus to a field which uses the disciplines extensively - the public sector. " Each multivolume set brings together not just the papers with importance to the public service in question, but on management organization studies as a whole, and is compiled by a renowned editor or editorial team with original essays outlining the state of the discipline and presenting a rationale for the selection. " This series is designed to be an essential reference collection for university libraries worldwide with programs in management and organization studies.

Table of Contents

VOLUME 1 Section 1: Organizing The Sector Inter-organizational Relations The NHS Quasi-Market, Quasi-Hierarchy and Quasi-Market? - M. Exworthy, M. Powell and J. Mohan Can Markets Give us the Health System We Want? - T. Rice The Sociological Character of Health-Care Markets - D.W. Light The Changing Governance of the NHS: Reform in a post-Keynesian health service - I. Greener and M. Powell Quasi-Market Transformation: An institutionalist approach to change in UK hospitals - M. Kitchener The Rise and Fall of Managed Care - D. Mechanic Multinational corporations and health care in the United States and Latin America: Strategies, actions, and effects - R. Jasso-Aguilar, H. Waitzkin and A. Landwehr U.S. Long-term Care: A dialectic analysis of institutional dynamics - M. Kitchener and C. Harrington Managing Through Networks - E. Ferlie and A. Pettigrew Working Across Professional Boundaries: Primary health care and social care - B. Hudson, B. Hardy, M. Henwood and G. Wistow Doing Things Collaboratively: Realizing the advantage or succumbing to inertia? C K.G. Provan, G. Lamb and M. Doyle - C. Huxham and S. Vangen Building Legitimacy and the Early Growth of Health Networks for the Uninsured Enacting Leadership for Collaborative Advantage: Dilemmas of ideology and pragmatism in the activities of partnership managers - S. Vangen and C. Huxham The Competent Boundary Spanner - P. Williams VOLUME 2 a.) Regulation of Professions The Basis for Professional's Resistance to Managerial Control - J.A. Raelin The Changing Nature of Professional Control - E. Freidson De-professionalisation: An alternative hypothesis for the future - M. Haug Rationalization and Deprofessionalization of Physicians - G. Ritzer, and D. Walcak The Changing Character of the Medical Profession: A theoretical overview - D. Light, and S. Levine Managing Professional Work: Three models of control for health organizations - W.R. Scott Organization Contra Professions: Professions and organizational change in the UK - S. Ackroyd The Bureaucratization of Professional Roles: The case of clinical directors in UK hospitals - M. Kitchener Professions: Back to the future? - L. Fitzgerald and E. Ferlie Medical Autonomy and the UK State 1975-2025 - S. Harrison and W. Ahmad. Regulated (self-) regulation: A new paradigm for controlling professionals? - R. Kaye From the Doctors' Workshop to the Iron Cage? Evolving modes of physician control in US health systems - M. Kitchener, C. Caronna and S. Shortell Enterprise Discourse, Professional Identity and the Organizational Control of Hospital Clinicians - B. Doolin b.) Performance Management Corporate Governance for the Public Sector: Some issues and evidence from the NHS - E. Ferlie, L. Fitgerald and L. Ashburner Exploring the Relationship between Senior Management Team Culture and Performance - H. Davies, R. Mannion, R. Jacobs, A. Powell and M. Marshall Clinical Governance and the Drive for Quality Improvement in the New NHS in England - G. Scally and L. Donaldson Practical Issues in the Design and Implementation of Pay-for-quality Programs - G. Young, D. Conrad and A. Fallatt Lessons from Evaluations of Purchaser Pay-for-performance Programs - J. Christianson, S. Leatherman and K. Sutherland Moving Upstream or Muddying the Waters? Incentives for managing for health. - L. Marks and D. J. Hunter Creating High Reliability in Heath Care Organizations - P. Provnost, S. Berenholtz, C. Goeschel, D. Needham, J. Sexton, B. Thompson, D. L. Lubomski, J. Marsteller, M. Makary and E. Hunt Resource-based and Strategic Group Influences on Hospital Performance - J. Short, T. Palmer and D. Ketchen Assessing the Performance of Freestanding Hospitals - M. McCue, M. Diana and L. Henman Competing Values in Healthcare: Balancing the (Un)balanced scorecard - A. Wicks, L. St Clair and C. Kinney VOLUME 3 Section 2: Managing The Organization Leadership Covert Leadership: Notes on managing professionals - H. Mintzberg Visionary Leadership and Strategic Management - F. Westley and H. Mintzberg Does Governance Matter? Board configuration and performance in not-for-profit hospitals - J. A. Alexander and S. Y. Lee Leadership Development in Healthcare: A qualitative study - A.S. McAlearney Leadership - A. Garman, P. Butler and L. Brinkmeyer Complexity Leadership and Management in Healthcare Organizations - P. Plsek and T. Wilson Resistance Around a Management Development Development Programme: Negotiated order in a hospital trust - G. Currie Entrepreneurial Management in the Public Sector - P. Du Gay Leadership, Service Reform and Public Sector Networks: The case of cancer genetics pilots in the English NHS - G. Martin, G. Currie and R. Finn The Dynamics of Collective Leadership and Strategic Change in Pluralistic Organizations - J.L. Denis, L. Lamother and A. Langley The Dynamics of Professions and Development of New Roles in Public Services Organizations: The case of modern matrons in the English NHS - G. Currie, N. Koteyko and B. Nerlich Strategy Quasi Strategy: Strategic management in the contemporary public sector - E. Ferlie Strategic Management in Public and Private Organizations: Implications of distinctive contexts and constraints - R.P. Smith and J. L. Perry Strategizing in Pluralistic Contexts: Rethinking theoretical frames - J. Denis, A. Langley and L. Rouleau Changes in Hospital Competitive Strategy: A new medical arms race? - K. Devers, L. Brewster and L. Casalino Crafting Strategy - H. Mintzberg Of Strategies, Deliberate and Emergent - H. Mintzberg and J. A. Waters The Antecedents of Middle Managers' Strategic Contribution: The case of a professional bureaucracy - G. Currie and S. Procter Mobilizing the Logic of Managerialism in Professional Fields: The case of academic health center mergers - M. Kitchener Corporate Strategy, Organizations, and Subjectivity: A critique - D. Knights and G. Morgan VOLUME 4 Managing Change A Case Study of Change Management Effectiveness within the NHS - D. Bamford and S. Daniel Understanding Change in the NHS - A. Pettigrew, L. McKee and E. Ferlie Change in Autonomous Professional Organizations - C. Hinings, J. Brown and R. Greenwood A Theory of Physician-hospital Integration: Contending institutional and market logics in the health care field - T.G. Rundall, S. M. Shortell and J. A. Alexander Lords of the Dance: Professionals as institutional agents - W.R. Scott Process Transformation: Limitations to radical organizational change within public service organizations - T. McNulty and E. Ferlie. Top Manager and Network Effects on the Adoption of Innovative Management Practices: A study of TQM in a public hospital system - G. Young, M. Charms and S. Shortell Customization or Conformity? An institutional and network perspective on the content and consequences of TQM adoption - J. Westphal, R. Gulati and S. Shortell The Object of Knowledge: The role of objects in biomedical innovation - J. Swan, M. Bresnen, S. Newell and M. Robertson Nobody in Charge: Distributed change agency in healthcare - D.A. Buchanan, R. Addicott, L. Fitzgerald, E. Ferlie and J.I. Baeza Narratological Approach to Understanding Processes of Organizing in a UK NHS Hospital - G. Currie and A. D. Brown Hospitals as Cultures of Entrapment: A re-analysis of Bristol Royal Infirmary - K.E. Weick and K. M. Sutcliffe Re-inventing Excellence: Or how best sellers thwart the search for lessons to transform the public sector - R.A.W. Rhodes

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  • Pages/Volumes
    4 v.
  • Size
    24 cm
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