A dynamic cascade model of the development of substance-use onset
Kenneth A. Dodge, Patrick S. Malone, JenniferE. Lansford,... [et al.] ; with commentary by John E. Schulenberg and Julie Maslowsky
(Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, serial no. 294,
Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
Dynamic cascade model of the development of substance use onset
Development of substance-use onset
Development of substance use onset
Includes bibliographical references Summary: "The origins of illicit substance use during adolescence likely begin in early childhood. Understanding antecedent factors and how they ... lead to adolescent drug use is important for theories of social development as well as policy formulations to prevent onset. A dynamic cascade model of the development of adolescent substance-use onset is presented, based on a review of existing literature as well as on a longitudinal study involving 585 boys and girls who were followed from prekindergarten through grade 12."--Cf. p. vii
Society for Research in Child Development, National Research Council
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