Midnight in Moscow
(The best 1000)
Deutsche Grammophon , Marketed & distributed by Universal Music, 2006, p1967
黒い瞳〜モスクワ郊外の夕べ : ロシア愛唱歌集
Principally folk-songs and popular pieces
For male chorus, unacc
Sung in Russian
Don Cossack Choir ; Serge Jaroff, conductor
Recorded: 1965年12月 (1st-3rd and 9th-13th works), 1966年12月 (4th-8th and 14th), ハンブルク
Compact disc; analog recording
Texts in Japanese translation
Deutsche Grammophon: UCCG-5100
Deutsche Grammophon , Distributed by Universal Music
録音資料(音楽) (CD)