This book focuses on cities, their relationships with each other and the disparities between them. Analysing cities as the places where diversity is especially apparent, where cultural richness is experienced and where conflicts often erupt, it illustrates how cultures and cultural diversity interact with economic growth and development. The contributors provide valuable insight into how diverse cities should best be governed and made sustainable, and explore the concept of diversity in relation to sustainability. Building on segregation, assimilation and integration policies, the book indicates the need to develop policies that can govern diversity in a dynamic, nonlinear and spatio-temporal complex way. Case studies of eight culturally diverse cities (Stockholm, Baroda, Banska Bystrica, Chicago, London, Dortmund, Rome and Antwerp) clearly illustrate the relationship between diversity and development, identifying the conditions under which diversity leads to economic performance. These studies are underpinned by an econometric analysis of the relationship between diversity and development across European regions.
This unique book will prove a fascinating read to both academics and policymakers with a specific interest in public policy, regional and urban studies, and more generally in economics, the environment and ecology.
1. Sustainable DiverCities
Patrizia Zanoni and Maddy Janssens
2. Facilitating Intercultural Encounters within a Global Context: Towards Processual Conditions
Maddy Janssens and Patrizia Zanoni
3. Diversity, Cities and Economic Development
Elena Bellini, Dino Pinelli and Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano
Introduction to Part II
4. Constructing Cultural Identity for the 'Good' Life: The Case of Blin Culture Community in Stockholm
Kiflemariam Hamde
5. Cultural Diversity and Conflict in Multicultural Cities: The Case of Baroda
Alaknanda Patel
6. Post-Socialist City on the Way to Diversity: The Case of Banska-
Alexandra Bitusikova
7. Chicago: A Story of Diversity
Richard C. Longworth
8. London. Demonstrating 'Good' Diversity: Option and Choice in the Local System
Sandra Wallman
9. Diversity, Deprivation and Space: A Comparison of Immigrant Neighbourhoods in Germany, Denmark and Britain
David M. May
10. Rome. Electing Foreign Representatives to the City Government: Governance Strategies
Raffaele Bracalenti and Kristine M. Crane
11. Integration of Non-natives into the Regular Labour Market: The Paradox Project in the City of Antwerp
Dafne C. Reymen
12. Coordinating Diversities for Prospering DiverCities
Dafne C. Reymen
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