Die Tochter des Samurai
Arnold Fanck
101 Pixel, c2005
ビデオレコード(ビデオ (ディスク))
Die Tochter des Samurai 1937
In German, with some Japanese
DVD, region 0 (all), Dolby digital, Deutsch 2.0 (Mono)
Cast: Setsuko Hara, Ruth Eweler, Sessue Hayakawa, Kusogi Isamu
Credits: Screenplay and direction, Arnold Fanck ; camera, Richard Angst, Walter Riml
Originally produced as a German-Japanese motion picture in 1937
Rated 16 and up
Summary: A young man returns to Japan from Germany with a girlfriend, but discovers that his family has already chosen a wife for him. After the German woman rejects him, he must make an arduous odyssey through stunning scenery to prevent the Japanese woman from throwing herself into a volcano. Together they settle with their son on newly occupied land in recently conquered Chinese Manchuria
Special features: trailer show, selected scenes