मन्थानभैरवतन्त्रम् : कुमारिकाखण्डः = Manthānabhairavatantram : Kumārikākhaṇḍaḥ : the section concerning the virgin goddess of the Tantra of the churning Bhairava
edited, translated and annotated by Mark S.G. Dyczkowski
Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts : D.K. Printworld, 2009
मन्थान भैरव तन्त्रम् : कुमारिकाखण्डः
Manthānabhairavatantram : Kumārikākhaṇḍaḥ
東北大学 附属図書館 本館
In Sanskrit; translation, annotations and introductory matter in English
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Contents: 1-3. Introduction : myth, history and doctrine of the Goddnes Kubjikā -- 4. Text and translation, v. 1, chapters 1-7 -- 5. Notes on text and translation, v. 1, chapters 1-7 -- 6. Text and translation, v. 2, chapters 8-16 -- 7. Notes on text and translation, v. 2, chapters 8-16 -- 8. Text and translation, v. 3, chapters 17-30 -- 9. Notes on text and translation, v. 3, chapters 17-30 -- 10. Text and translation, v. 4, chapters 31-47 -- 11. Notes on text and translation, v. 4, chapters 31-47 -- 12. Text and translation, v. 5, chapters 48-69 -- 13. Notes on text and translation, v. 5, chapters 48-69 -- 14. v. 6, Concordance, bibliography and indices