This is a practical handbook to conflict resolution, that shows how to overcome conflicts at all levels - from personal domestic conflicts, to issue-based struggles about race, class and gender, and finally to major international conflicts between nation states or international divides along economic and religious lines.
Johan Galtung is the world's most experienced peace studies professor, and founder of the peace studies discipline. This book lays out the limitless variety of the uses to which conflict resolution theory can be applied. Revealing the interconnections between conflict at all levels of society, Galtung argues that an equal variety of solutions are available to us, if we are willing to explore them.
The book will be of interest to anyone who deals with conflict on a daily basis - such as teachers, social workers, parents and couples - as well as students of peace studies. Offering handy tips and practical advice, with over 40 illustrative examples, Galtung shows how we can transcend the difficulties that lead to conflict at all levels.
Monday: Micro-Conflicts, Within And Between Persons
Tuesday: Meso-Conflicts, Within Societies
Wednesday: Macro-Conflicts, Among States And Nations
Thursday: Mega-Conflicts, Among Regions And Civilisations
Cold War I: Polarised Dialogue About Depolarisation
Friday: Deep Culture, Deep Behaviour, Deep Structure
Saturday: Creativity, Dialogue, Negotiation
Sunday: The Transcend Method: An Overview
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