ABOUT THE REVISED EDITIONBefore the Iowa caucuses, nearly all political analysts believed that the Obama campaign strategy of targeting young Americans was doomed to failure. His election win proved the detractors wrong. In a new epilogue of The Good Citizen, focusing on the 2008 presidential election, Russell Dalton answers questions that are sure to resonate with your students and provide great fodder for lively discussion:Should we be surprised by Obama's appeal to the young engaged citizens? What were the sources of this appeal? Who voted for Obama in November? What are the potential long-term implications of Obama's mobilization of young Americans? ABOUT THE GOOD CITIZEN There has been a growing chorus of political analysts with doomsday predictions of an American public that is uncivil, disengaged, and alienated. And it s only getting worse with a younger generation of Americans who do not see the value in voting.The good news is that the bad news is wrong.Russell Dalton uses a new set of national public opinion surveys to show how Americans are changing their views on what good citizenship means. It s not about recreating the halcyon politics of a generation ago, but recognition that new patterns of citizenship call for new processes and new institutions that reflect the values of the contemporary American public. Trends in participation, tolerance, and policy priorities reflect a younger generation that is more engaged, more tolerant, and more supportive of social justice. The Good Citizen shows how a younger generation is creating new norms of citizenship that are leading to a renaissance of democratic participation. An important comparative chapter in the book showcases cross-national comparisons that further demonstrate the vitality of American democracy.This book will reshape how we think about the American public, American youth, and the prospects for contemporary democracy. Listen to Russ Dalton discuss the 2008 primaries and The Good Citizen on NPR.Click here to listen.Interview from 'Midday Utah' which airs on KCPW. Interview air date: February 22, 2008. Watch a video of Russ Dalton discussing Barack Obama's appeal to the young.Click here to watch. Listen to Russ Dalton discuss The Good Citizen on Federal News Radio.Click here to listen.Interview from 'The Daily Debrief with Amy Morris' which airs on FederalNewsRadio AM 1050.Interview air date: June 21, 2007.
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