The annual is a venue of publication for sociological studies of Chinese societies and the Chinese all over the world. The main focus is on social transformations in Hong Kong, Taiwan, the mainland, Singapore and Chinese overseas.
Introduction: Doing Families in Hong Kong: Values, Relations and Strategies - Ng Chun-hung, Thomas W.P. Wong and Anita Chan Kit-wa
Family in Flux: Benchmarking Family Changes in Hong Kong Society - Anita C. Koo and Thomas W. P. Wong
Doing Families in Hong Kong: Strategy, Morality and Emotion - Ng Chun-hung, Ng Bo-sze and Anita Chan Kit-wa
Who Should Care? Perceptions of Caregiving Responsibility within the Household -
Odalia M. H. Wong
Single Working Women in Hong Kong: A Case of 'Normal Deviance'? - Evelyn G. H. Ng and Catherine W. Ng
Where Is My Brokeback Mountain? - Travis S.K. Kong
Familial Ideology and Family Policy in Hong Kong -
Shae Wan-chaw and Wong Pik-wan
Sketching the Discursive Outlines of Cosmopolitan Hybridity in Postwar Hong Kong:
City Magazine in the Emergence of 1980s Popular Culture and Culture Industry - Allen Chun
Indigenization and the Study of Chinese Religion and Society - Chan Shun-hing
'Missing Girls' in an Era of 'High Quality': Governmental Control over Population and Daughter Discrimination in Contemporary China -
Leslie K. Wang
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