A treatise on ventilators
by Stephen Hales
Printed for Richard Manby, 1758
The uses of ventilators
A description of ventilators
Pt. 1: Wherein an account is given of the happy effects of many trials that have been made of them; which has occasioned their being received, with general approbation and applause, on account of their utility in many ways, to the great benefit of mankind, viz. In refreshing the noxious air of ships, hospitals and mines, to the better preservation of the health and lives of multitudes. In preserving the timbers of ships much the longer from decaying. In easily sweetening stinking cask water and curing the ill taste of milk, from some food of cows. In new ,methods of distilling plenty of good water at sea. In refreshing the air, and keeping up, and regulating, the warmth of melon and cucumber frames, and hot green-houses. And in several other useful improvements
Pt. 2: Wherein an account is given of the happy effects of the several trials that have been made of them, in different ways and for different purposes: Which has occasioned their being received with general approbation and applause, on account of their utility for the great benefit of mankind. As also of what farther hints and improvements in several other useful ways, have occurred since the publication of the former treatise
"Sold by J. Pridden, at the Prince's-Arms in Fleet-Street"-- T. p. of pt. 1
"At a meeting of the Royal-Society, June 9, 1743. Imprimatur M. Folkes"--T.p. verso of pt. 1
Pt. 1 originally published 1743 under title: A description of ventilators. Cf. ESTC T100921
Pt. 1: v [i.e. iv], 111, [1] p., 2 folded leaves of plates; pt. 2: [2], 346, [4] p., 3 folded leaves of plates
The plates signed: pt.1: P. Foundrinier sculp. -- pt. 2: T. Jeffreys sculp
Signatures: pt. 1: [A], B-H-[8]. -- pt. 2: [A], B-I[8], K-U[8], X-Z[8]
References: pt. 1: ESTC T127164. -- pt. 2: ESTC T100918
Includes indexes