Tracing the trajectory of postcolonial politics, Makau Mutua maps the political forces that have shaped contemporary Kenya. He also critically explores efforts on the part of both civil society and the political opposition to reform the state. Analyzing the tortuous efforts since independence to create a sustainable, democratic state, he uses the struggle over constitutional reform as a window for understanding the larger struggles confronting Kenyan society. Mutua uses the struggle over constitutional reform as a window through which to understand the larger struggles confronting Kenyan society.
- Introduction.
- The Reconstruction of the African State.
- Africa and Postcolonial Trauma.
- The Constitutional History of Kenya.
- The Liberal Democratic Consensus.
- The Quest for a Democratic Constitution.
- The Institution of the Review Commission.
- The National Conference as Process.
- Matters of Convergence.
- Things Fall Apart.
- The End Game.
- What Must Be Done.
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