Academic Writing and Publishing will show academics (mainly in the social sciences) how to write and publish research articles. Its aim is to supply examples and brief discussions of recent work in all aspects of the area in short, sharp chapters. It should serve as a handbook for postgraduates and lecturers new to publishing. The book is written in a readable and lively personal style. The advice given is direct and based on up-to-date research that goes beyond that given in current textbooks. For example, the chapter on titles lists different kinds of titles and their purposes not discussed in other texts. The chapter on abstracts instructs the reader on writing structured abstracts from the start.
SECTION 1. Introduction 1.1 The nature of academic writing SECTION 2. The academic article 2.1 Titles 2.2 Authors 2.3. Abstracts 2.4 Key words 2.5 Introductions 2.6 Methods 2.7 Results 2.8 Discussions 2.9 Acknowledgements 2.10 References 2.11 Footnotes 2.12 Responding to referees 2.13 Proofs SECTION 3. Other genres 3.1 Books 3.2 Theses 3.3 Literature reviews 3.4 Conference papers 3.5 Tables and graphs 3.6 Posters 3.7 Book reviews 3.8 Letters to the editor 3.9 Annotated bibliographies SECTION 4. Other aspects of academic writing 4.1 Finding, keeping and disseminating information 4.2 Choosing where to publish 4.3 Delays in the publishing process 4.4 Refereeing 4.5 Sex differences 4.6 Procrastination and writer's block 4.7 Collaborative writing 4.8 Productive writers Appendices A.1 Guidelines for academic writing A.2 Guidelines for revising text A.3 Abbreviations for American States
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