Materials syntheses are more complex than syntheses of inorganic or organic compounds. Materials synthesis protocols often suffer from unclarities, irreproducibility, lack in detail and lack in standards. The need to change this situation is the main motivation for this book. It collects a number of detailed protocols, ranging from organic polymers to carbonaceous and ceramic materials, from gels to porous and layered materials and from powders and nanoparticles to films.
- -Porous Materials
- Organically Modified Monolithic Silica Aerogels
- Controlling Size and Morphology of Zeolite L
- Zeolite A and ZK-4
- Mesostructured Silica Thin Films
- Porous Silica Gel by Acid Leaching of Metakaolin.-Layered Materials
- Zirconia-Pillared Clays
- Montmorillonites with mixed aluminum-lanthanide oxide pillars
- Birnessite-Type Manganese Oxide by Redox Precipitation.-Carbon
- Templated Carbon from Pyrolysis of Pyrene in Pillared Clay Matrices
- Fiberous Carbon from Sepiolite Clay and Propylene. -Nanoparticles
- Nanoscale Magnesium Oxide
- Copper Nanoparticles in Silica
- Copper Nanocrystals
- Colloidal Dispersion of Gold Nanoparticles
- Nanostructured Pt-doped Tin Oxide Films
- Assembly of TOPO-Capped Silver Nanoparticles to Multilayered Films.-Inorganic Gels
- Octaphenyloctasilsesquioxane and Polyphenylsilsesquioxane for Nanocomposites
- Polysilsesquicarbodiimide Xerogels
- Monolithic tin-doped silica glass.-Organic Materials and Polymers
- Polyaniline - A Conducting Polymer.-Metal Oxides and Sulfides
- Sonochemically Prepared Molybdenum Sulfide
- Aerosol Spray Synthesis of Porous Molybdenum Sulfide Powder
- Doped Manganites
- Lithium Manganese Oxide Prepared by Flux Methods.
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