Technology infrastructure supports the design, deployment and use of both individual technology-based components and the systems of such components that form the knowledge-based economy. As such, it plays a central role in the innovation process and in the promotion of the diffusion of technologies. Thus, it is an important element contributing to the operation of innovation systems and innovation performance in any modern economy.
Technology infrastructure, either in the narrow or broad sense, is not well understood as an element of a sector's technology platform or of a national innovation system. Similarly misunderstood are the processes by which such infrastructure is embodied in standards or diffused through various institutional frameworks. In fact, because of the public and quasi-public good nature of technology infrastructure, firms as well as public-sector agencies under invest in it, thus inhibiting long-term technological advancement and economic growth.
This volume of essays brings together a collection of papers from eminent scholars on all of the various dimensions of technology infrastructure mentioned above. To our knowledge, it is the first such collection of papers and we expect this scholarship to become the foundation for future research in this area.
This book was published as a special issue of Economics of Innovation and New Technology.
1. Technology Infrastructure: Introduction Cristiano Antonelli, Albert N. Link and Stan Metcalfe 2. Modelling and Measuring the Economic Roles of Technology Infrastructure Gregory Tassey 3. Public Technology Infrastructure, R&D Sourcing, and Research Joint Ventures James D. Adams, Mircea Marcu and Andrew Wang 4. Public-Private Partnership to Develop Technology Infrastructure: A Case Study of the Economic Returns of DNA Diagnostics Alan C. O'Connor and Brent R. Rowe 5. Research Networks as Infrastructure for Knowledge Diffusion in European Regions Lorenzo Cassi, Nicoletta Corrocher, Franco Malerba and Nicholas Vonortas 6. Intelligent Machine Technology and Productivity Growth David P. Leech and John T. Scott 7. To Admit or Not to Admit: The Question of Research Park Size Stephen K. Layson, Dennis P. Leyden and John Neufeld 8. Innovation Platforms and the Governance of Knowledge: Evidence from Italy and the U.K. Davide Consoli and Pier Paolo Patrucco 9. Assessing the Relative Performance of University Technology Transfer in the U.S. and U.K.: A Stochastic Distance Function Approach Donald Siegel, Mike Wright, Wendy Chapple and Andy Lockett 10. Placing Innovation: An Approach to Identifying Emergent Technological Activity Philip Auerswald and Rajendra Kulkarni 11. Barriers to the Diffusion of Nanotechnology Barry Bozeman, John Hardin and Albert N. Link
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