A sure guide to hell. In seven sections, containing directions to parents in the education of their children... 2nd ed. (1751) . The young student's assistant; or literary entertainer... Part 3: Some serious reflections on the melancholy consequences which too naturally attend the neglect of parents, in the education of their children (1752) . Five letters of advice: humbly offered: I. to parents: concerning the education of their children in the fear of God, II. To children to excite them to remember their creator in the days of their youth... (1754) . Some assistance offered to parents with respect to the religious education of their children..., 2nd edition (1759) . The excellent daughter: a discourse very necessary to be given by all parents to their children, ...To which is added several proper lessons of the duty of daughters..., 7th ed. (1760)
Belzebub [Benjamin Bourn] . Anon. . Well-wisher to the souls of men . Benjamin Dawson . White Kennett
(Books on children in 16th-18th century Britain / series consulting editor, Takau Shimada ; editor, Yuko Engetsu, ser. 2 ; 1751-1800 ; v. 1)
Edition Synapse , Eureka Press, 2009
ser. 2 : 1751-1800, v.1367.6||BOO||2-110966026
Reprint (1st work). Originally published: A sure guide to hell, in seven sections : containing directions : I. to parents in the education of their children : II. to youth : III. to those whose minds are possessed with envy, malice, etc. : IV. to the K- : V. to First Ministers of State : VI. to the clergy : VII. to young ladies. 2nd ed. : London : Printed for Peter Imp., [1751]
Reprint (2nd work). Originally published: Some serious reflections on the melancholy consequences which too naturally attend the neglect of parents, in the education of their children : extracted from a curious and very pathetic dissertation, on the danger and folly of practical atheism. London : Printed for the editors, 1752
Reprint (3rd work). Originally published: Five letters of advice: humbly offered: the : I. to parents: concerning the education of their children in the fear of God : II. to children: to excite them to remember their Creator in the days of their youth : III. to the young and middle-aged: to warn them of some of the snares of life : IV. to the aged: to intreat them to improve their present time, for a blest eternity : and the V. to all thirsty souls: to invite them to come to Christ, and to take the water of life; which He hath promised to give them freely. London : Printed by J. Hart, 1754
Reprint (4th work). Originally published: Some assistance offered to parents with respect to the religious education of their children, in a discourse from prov. XXII. 6. 2nd ed. London : Printed for C. Henderson, 1759
Reprint (5th work). Originally published: The excellent daughter : a discourse very necessary to be given by all parents to their children, (though first designed for the benefit of poor girls taught and clothed by charity) ; to which is added several proper lessons of the duty of daughters to be learned or practised by them in schools or families; as likewise prayers for their use; and a paraphrase in verse, on the thirty-first chapter of proverbs. 7th ed. London : Printed for B. Dod, 1760
ISBN for set of series 2: 9784902454307
series consulting editor, Takau Shimada ; editor, Yuko Engetsu
Eureka Press 2006-
ser. 1: 1701-1750 : set , ser. 2: 1751-1800 : set , ser. 3: 1571-1699 : set , ser. 3: 別冊日本語解説
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