@book{ BA89932216, author = "Marenzio, Luca and Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da and Arcadelt, Jacob, ca. and Monteverdi, Claudio and Gesualdo, Carlo, principe di Venosa, ca. and Schütz, Heinrich and Lasso, Orlando di and Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo, fl. and Guerrero, Francisco and Mudarra, Alonso, ca. and Lechner, Leonhard, d. 1606 and Hassler, Hans Leo and Janequin, Clément, ca.ca. 1560 and Passereau, Pierre, fl. and Morley, Thomas and Farmer, John, fl. and Wilbye, John and Gibbons, Orlando and Bennet, John, fl. and Hallenser Madrigalisten and Göpfert, Andreas", title = "《La bella ninfa mia》 : europäische Madrigale um 1600", publisher = "Deutsche Schallplatten,Tokuma Japan [distributor]", year = "1991", URL = "https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA89932216" }