This publication sets out the Government's strategy for children's services and for education and lifelong learning for the next five years, covering early years, primary and secondary school levels, services for students aged 14 to 19 years, higher education and adult learning and training. The document sets out five key principles of reform relating to: greater personalisation and choice; more opportunities for new providers and ways of delivering services; greater freedom and independence for frontline head teachers, governors and managers with more streamlined secure funding arrangements; a commitment to higher quality staff development, support and training; and partnerships with parents, employers and voluntary organisations.
Proposed measures include: the establishment of independent specialist schools in place of traditional comprehensive secondary schools; more places made available in popular schools; freedom for all secondary schools to own and manage their land, buildings and assets and employ staff; a wider primary school curriculum with the option for every child to learn a foreign language, play music and take part in competitive sport; a flexible system of 'educare' that combines education and care services for early years including greater provision of breakfast and after-school clubs; and a reformed role for local authorities and the Department for Education and Skills to provide more streamlined strategic leadership.
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