Contents: Part I. Ideas and formative experience. -- pt. II. The first fascist nation. -- pt. III. The Nazi comparison. -- pt. IV. Others. -- pt. V. Reflection and legacies
Introduction / R. J. B. Bosworth
The ideological origins of fascism before 1914 / Kevin Passmore
The First World War as cultural trauma / Alan Kramer
The First World War one as totality / Richard Bessel
The aftermath of war / Glenda Sluga
Squadrism / Mimmo Franzinelli
Culture and intellectuals / Guido Bonsaver
The peasant experience under Italian fascism / Roger Absalom
Corporatism and the economic order / Philip Morgan
Fascism and Catholicism / J. F. Pollard
Propaganda and youth / Patrizia Dogliani
Women in Mussolini's Italy, 1922-1945 / Perry Willson
Crime and repression / Mauro Canali
Fascism and war / Davide Rodogno
Dictators, strong or weak? the model of Benito Mussolini / R. J. B. Bosworth
State and society : Italy and Germany compared / Gustavo Corni
Race / Robert S. C. Gordon
Diplomacy and World War : the (first) axis of evil / H. James Burgwyn
Communism : fascism's 'other'? / Roger D. Markwick
Spain / Mary Vincent
Hungary / Mark Pittaway
Romania / Radu Ioanid
Yugoslavia and its successor states / Marko Attila Hoare
Austria / Corinna Peniston-Bird
The Netherlands / Bob Moore
Belgium / Bruno de Wever
Britain and its empire / Martin Pugh
France / Joan Tumblety
Japan / Rikki Kersten
Comparisons and definitions / Robert O. Paxton
Memory and representations of fascism in Germany and Italy / Nathan Stoltzfus R. J. B. Bosworth