Dimensions in Social Welfare Policy provides a comprehensive and widely-used framework for analyzing social welfare policies.
The text encourages readers to develop their own thoughts on social welfare policy and to explore policy alternatives. Theoretical points are illustrated with examples from a cross-section of program areas including income maintenance, child welfare, model cities, day care, community action, and mental health. The Seventh Edition continues to include a broad overview of the most recent policy trends in the advanced welfare states related to eligibility, finance, delivery, and benefit designs.
Table of Contents
1 The Field of Social Welfare Policy
Institutional Perspectives on the Study of Social Welfare Policy
Evolving Institutions and the Welfare State
Analytic Perspectives on the Study of Social Welfare Policy
Political Perspectives on the Study of Social Welfare Policy
Individual and Community Approaches to Planning
Why Policy Analysis Is Relevant to Social work Praactice
Emerging Issues: Feminist Perspectives on Social Welfare
2 The Modern Welfare State
The Evolving Welfare State
Theories of Welfare Growth
Is America Exceptional?
Welfare Goals
Welfare Scope
Welfare Realms
Emerging Issues: The New Social Accounting
3 A Framework for Social Welfare Policy Analysis
Benefit Allocations in the Social Market and the Mixed Economy of Welfare
Elements of an Analytic Framework: Dimensions of Choice
An Example: The Transformation of Social Services
Application of the Framework
Distributive Justice in Public Assistance
Individual and Collective Values in Public Assistance
Theories, Assumptions, and Social Choice
Emerging Issues: The Search for Equity
4 The Basis of Social Allocations
Who Shall Benefit?
Universality and Selectivity in Income Maintenance
A Negative Income Tax for Workers: The earned Income Tax Credit
Child Support and Asset Building
Social Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness
Another Perspective on Allocation: A Continuum of Choice
Allocative Principles and Institutional-Residual Conceptions of Social Welfare
Operationalizing the Allocative Principles
Eligibility Versus Access
Emerging Issues: Generational Equity
5 The Nature of Social Provision
Basic Forms: Cash Versus In-Kind
Alternative Forms: An Extension of Choice
Vouchers: Balancing Social Control and Consumer Choice
Substance of the Social Provision
Social Provisions as Reflections of Policy Values
Cash, Kind, and the Cycles of Public Assistance
Emerging Issues: Choice for Whom?
6 The Design of the Delivery System
Privatization and Commercialization in Service Delivery
Promoting Coherence and Accessibility: Service Delivery Strategies
Unsettled Questions
Controlling Costs: Services Rationing and Managed Care
Emerging Issues: Culturally Competent Service Delivery
7 The Mode of Finance: Sources of Funds
Sources of Funds
The Philanthropic Contribution
Contributory Schemes and Fee Charging
Public Financing: Not Entirely a Public Matter
Emerging Issues: Financing Social Security
8 The Mode of Finance: Systems of Transfer
Centralization, Decentralization, and Their Ideologies
How the Money Flows
How Transfers Are Conditioned
Devolving Public Welfare
Emerging Issues: Immigrants, Social Policy, and the States
9 Policy Dimensions: International Trends in the Twenty-First Century
Pressures for Change
Directions of Change
Implications of Change
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