Records relating to the slave trade at the Liverpool Record Office
Microform Academic Publishers, 2007
マイクロ形態(マイクロフィルム (リール))
Records relating to the slave trade at the Liverpool Record Office : an introduction to the microfilm edition
reel 1MF/678.233/20090415017212009004151,
京都大学 文学研究科 図書館 西洋史
reel 1F1||L||73||(1) リール200022956874,
reel 1306.362/R2450580346098,
Printed guide's t.p.: Records relating to the slave trade at the Liverpool Record Office, an introduction to the microfilm edition by professor Kenneth Morgan, Brunel University, accompanied by reprints of the guides to Materials on the history of Janaica in the Edward Long papers and Jamaican material in the Slebech papers
"British records relating to America in microform"--Printed guide
"Positive"--Case label
Publisher's film no. R71347
Online guide: