Just in time for the coming elections, this book shows how political parties, interest groups, and elections have become totally interdependent in the era of candidate-centered politics, issue advocacy organizations, and media-driven campaigns. With up-to-date data through the mid-term elections of 2006, this book looks ahead to 2008 in illustrating such important developments as the increasing polarization of party politics, the effects of campaign finance reform, the rise of the 527s in campaign advertising, the K Street lobbying phenomenon, and new media and movements across the political spectrum. An essential resource for political junkies, this book provides one-stop shopping for understanding the combined impact of three major institutions on the future of American politics.
List of Tables, Figures, and Boxes
An Introduction to Parties, Interest Groups, and Campaigns
The Changing Nature of American Political
The Study of Parties, Interest Groups, and Campaigns
The Development of Political Parties in America
The First Parties
The Mass Party Era
The Reform of Political Parties
Party Organizations in the Modern Era
Conclusion: The Changing Nature of American Political Parties
The Organization of Contemporary American Parties
Party Activists
State and Local Parties
National Parties
Conclusion: Contemporary Parties and the Service Party Role
The American Electoral System
Electoral Systems
The Electoral College
Conclusion: The Impact of Electoral Rules
The American Electorate
Political Participation in the United States
Turnout: Who Votes?
Vote Choice: How Do Voters Decide?
Conclusion: The Nature of American Political Participation
Campaign Finance
Campaign Finance and Public Decision Making
Skyrocketing Campaign Costs or Underfunded Campaings?
Reform Goals and Campaign Finance Laws
Campaign Finance Laws and the Courts: A Tumultuous Relationship
Political Parties and Campaign Finance Law: Assessing the Impact
The Political Parties after BCRA and McConnell
The Rise and Imact of the 527 Groups
Finance Laws and Presidential Campaigns
Campaign Finance and the States
Conclusion: The State of Campaign Finance
Campaigns and Political Parties: An Altered Role
The Purposes and Impacts of Campaigns
The Changing Roles of Parties in Campaigns
The Candidate: Recruitment and Motivation
Campaign Organization and Management
The Campaign Manager
Designing the Campaign Message
Transmitting the Campaign Message
The Impact of Negative Campaigning
Political Parties as Campaign Specialists
Conclusion: A New Balance for Parties and Campaign
Interest Group Politics: Building Campaign Power on Organizational Strength
What Causes Interest Groups to Form?
Political Science and Group Theory
Leadership and Interest Group Power
Internal Organizational Strength and Lobbying Power
The Nature of Interest Group Membership in the United States
Lobbying Resources Derived from Membership Characteristics
Conclusion: Interest Groups in American Politics
Interest Groups and Campaigns: From Electoral Campaigns to Advocacy Campaigns
The "Total War" Campaign of Health Care Reform
The Greatest Interest Group Campaign in American History?
Interest Groups Seek to Mold Public Opinion in Media Campaigns
Grassroots Interest Group Issue Campaigns
Interest Group Campaigns Against Parties and Candidates
Interest Group Campaigns in Initiatives and Referenda
Conclusion: The Role of Campaigns in Linking Political Parties and Interest Groups
Interest Group Lobbying: Campaigning Inside the Government
The Lobbying Profession
The Lobbyist's Role in Political Issue Campaigns
Lobbyists and Lobbying Campaign Tactics
Lobby Campaigns as Information Presentations
Restrictions on Lobbying in the Federal Government
Judicial Lobbying Campaigns
Conclusion: The Persistence of Lobbying and the Nature of American Politics
Conclusion: The New Style of American Politics
The New Nature of American Political Parties
The New Nature of American Interest Group Politics
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