Written by experts on each of the senses, this book provides a comprehensive yet accessible survey of the major topics in the field. A new chapter on the vestibular system has been added. There is new coverage of visual development, the neural basis of object recognition, body image and out-of-body experiences, brain plasticity, and pheromones and chemicals that may influence human sexual attraction. More connections have been made between the senses so that students can understand how facts about one sense inform our understanding of the others. It is revised throughout to include the most recent work. New demonstrations and exercises are being added to the popular Companion Website.Written by experts in each of the five senses who have an enthusiasm for conveying the excitement of this field to students, this introductory text provides comprehensive descriptions of vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste. The second edition has been revised to include the most up-to-date research and theories, and new coverage of key topics.
Introduction The First Steps in Vision: Seeing Stars Spatial Vision: From Stars to Stripes Perceiving and Recognizing Objects The Perception of Color Space Perception and Binocular Vision Motion Perception Attention and Scene Perception Hearing: Physiology and Psychoacoustics Hearing in the Environment Music and Speech Perception Touch Olfaction Taste Spatial Orientation and the Vestibular System
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