Educational Leadership and Administration makes a real contribution in focusing scholars' attention of this key field on its relevant past and possible future. The selection of articles in this major work draws on regional knowledge from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand to offer researchers and academics a global perspective of the leading theories and ideas within educational leadership and administration. Drawn from the broad perspectives of behaviorism, structuralism, critical theory and postmodernism, these articles and chapters represent the intellectual turning points of thinking in Educational Leadership and Administration, within the last 30-40 years. These pieces are considered "groundbreaking" in that they became the foundation of further research or are considered "classic" pieces which represent a summation of critical work in similar work. As such, this is a must-have reference resource for any student in the field.
Table of Contents
A Typology of Metanarratives in Educational Administration. - F. English
American Public School Administration: A short analysis - J. March
Some Notes on the Methodology of Science for Researchers and Administrators in Education - J. Hills
The Social Context of Effective Schools. - P. Hallinger and J. Murphy
The Politics of Leadership - S. Ball
Administrator Selection, Career Patterns, Succession, and Socialization - E. Miklos
Contrived Collegiality: The micropolitics of teacher collaboration - A. Hargreaves
The Principal as Leader of the Self-managing School in Australia - B. Caldwell
Educative Leadership: A practical theory - P. Duignan and R. Macpherson
Leadership for School Restructuring - K. Leithwood
Towards a Comprehensive Model - T. Bush
The Power of School Culture - L. Stoll and D. Fink
ISLLC Standards - CCSSO
Understanding Organizational Learning for School Leadership and Educational Reform. - B. Cousins
Teachers as Leaders: An exploratory framework. - F. Crowther
Authenticity in Leadership: An emerging perspective authenticity, intentionality, spirituality and sensibility - P. Duignan and N. Bhindi
Comparative Educational Administration: Developing a cross-cultural conceptual framework. - C. Dimmock and A. Walker
Strategy, External Relations and Marketing - N. Foskett
Distributed Properties: A new architecture for leadership - P. Gronn
Boundary-breaking Leadership: A must for tomorrow's learning communities? - J. Robertson and C. Webber
The International Role of the NCLS: Tourist, colporteur or confrere? - A. Walker and C. Dimmock
School Leadership that Works: From research to results. - R. Marzano, T. Waters and B McNulty
The Discipline of Education Administration: Crediting the past - R. Papa
School Leadership and Student Outcomes: Identifying what works and why - V.M.J. Robinson
A Garbage can Model of Organizational Choice - M. Cohen, J. March and P. Olsen
Educational Organizations as Loosely Coupled Systems - K. Weick
Control over Schools: The maze of authority in education law in Canada - A. MacKay
Decentralization, Devolution, and the School Principal: Australian lessons on statewide education reform - J. Chapman and W. Boyd
Effective Schools: Interpreting the evidence - S. Rosenholtz
Organizational Decentralization in Education - D. Brown
Social Behavior and the Administrative Process - J. Getzels
Profiles of Organizational Culture and Effective Schools - Y. Cheng
What is the next Quantum Leap for School Systems in Australia? - H. Beare
Initiating Secondary School Reform: The dynamic relationship between restructuring, reculturing and retiming. - L. Hannay and J. Ross
Education Reform and Managerialism: Comparing the experience of schools and colleges - T. Simkins
Distributed Leadership and School Improvement: Leading or misleading? - A. Harris
Partnership, Conflict and Gaming. - J. Lumby and M. Morrison
Education and Globalization: Redefining the role of the educational professional - M. Bottery
Successful School Leadership: What is it and who decides? - B. Mulford
The Theory Problem in Educational Administration - J. Riffel
The Nature of Value - C. Hodgkinson
Effective Schools for the Urban Poor - R. Edmonds
Educational Administration, the Sociology of Science and the Management of Knowledge. - R. Bates
The Under Representation of Women and Minorities in Education Administration: Patterns, issues, and recommendations. - P. Leonard and R. Papa Lewis
A Pedagogical and Educative View of Leadership - J. Smyth
Toward a Broader Micropolitics of Schools - R. Townsend
Struggling to be "Good Enough": Administrative practices and school district ethos. - P. Coleman and L. LaRocque
Do we have the will to Educate all Children? - A. Hilliard
Educational Leadership and the Crisis of Democratic Government - H. Giroux
Theory about Organization: A new perspective and its implications for schools - T. Greenfield
The Knowledge Base in Educational Administration and the Restructuring of Education in New Zealand - J. Codd
The Educational System - C. Reynolds
Creating a Learning Community in a Multicultural Setting: Issues of leadership - C. Shields
Doing Emotional Labour in the Education Marketplace: Stories from the field of women in educational management - J. Blackmore
Dusting off the Phoenix: Gender and educational leadership revisited - V. Hall
(Homo)sexualities, Organizations and Administration: Possibilities for in (queer)ly - C. Capper
Toward a Theory of Anti-oppressive Education - K. Kumashiro
Imaging Good Organizations: Moral orders or moreal communities? - P. Milley
African American Principals and the Legacy of Brown - L. Tillman
Deliberative Democracy in Imagined Communities: How the power of geometry of globalization shapes local leadership praxis - H. Mawhinney
Educational Leadership: An Islamic perspective. - S. Shah
Social Justice, Educational Leaders and Resistance: Toward a theory of social justice leadership - G. Theoharis
Collegial Authority and the Receding Locus of Power - T. Noble and B. Pym
Educative Leadership in a Multicultural Society - F. Rizvi
Justifying Educational Administration - C. Evers and G. Lakomski
The Cupboard is Bare: The postmodern critique of educational administration - F. English
'Fellow Travellers' and 'True Believers': A case study of religion and politics in Alberta schools - A. Taylor
Really Good Ideas? Developing evidence-informed policy and practice in educational leadership and management - R. Levacic and R. Glatter
The Point of Scientificity, the Fall of the Epistemological Dominos, and the End of the Field of Educational Administration - F. English
Mapping Leadership Studies in Education: Towards a typology of knowledge domains - P. Ribbins and H. Gunter
The Naked Participant: Balancing personal perspectives with the concept of 'Verstehen' in interpretive inquiry - C. Harris
Toward Public Administration as a Humanities Discipline: A humanistic manifesto - E. Samier
Toward Re-Founding the Field of Educational Administration - F. English
Educational Reform: An ironic perspective - E. Hoyle and M. Wallace
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