Unemployment has been somewhat neglected within the world of economics in recent years. However, even within the EU, several regions still suffer from worrying levels of people out of work. This book explores the subject of unemployment in detail, analyzing past successes and failures in the area, and offering lessons and proposals for the future.
- Introduction
- P.Arestis & J.McCombie The Labour Market in Light of Flexibility and Globalization
- E.Karakitsos Why Do Some Economies Have Lower Unemployment Rates Than Others?
- J.Cornwall & W.Cornwall Historical Examination of the Golden Age of Full Employment in Western Europe
- A.Singh The 'Thatcher Experiment' 1979-1990: Did it Lead to the Economic Renaissance of the UK?
- N.F.B.Allington & J.McCombie Employer of Last Resort and the War on Poverty: Hyman Minsky's Contributions
- L.R.Wray Why Public Sector Job Creation Should be Fashionable
- W.Mitchell Capital Stock and Unemployment: Searching for the Missing Link
- A.Palacio-Vera, A.R.Martinez-Canete, E.M.De La Cruz & I.P.-S.Aguilar Does Technological Change Induce Unemployment?
- S.Basu & S.Mallick Welfare State and Unemployment
- J.Ferreiro & F.Serrano Perspectives of Workers with Low Qualifications in Germany under the Pressures of Globalization and Technical Progress
- H.Hagemann & R.Rukwid
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