Locusts and grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and adjacent countries : (Saranchevye fauny SSSR i sopredelʹnykh stran)
G. Ya. Bei-Bienko and L.L. Mischenko
(Keys to the fauna of the USSR : published by the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, no. 40)
Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1964
Saranchevye fauny SSSR i sopredelʹnykh stran
Saranchevye fauny SSSR i sopredelʹnykh stran
At head of title: Akademiya nauk soyuza sovetskikh sotsialisticheskih republik
Originally published: Izdatel'stvo akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva, 1951
Israel Program for Scientific Translations