This book deals with the international assessment and regulation of biomedical research. In its chapters, some of the leading figures in today's bioethics address questions centred on global development, scientific advances, and vulnerability.
The series Values In Bioethics makes available original philosophical books in all areas of bioethics, including medical and nursing ethics, health care ethics, research ethics, environmental ethics, and global bioethics.
Alexander MORGAN CAPRON: Foreword: Why Bother with Ethics in Biomedical Research?
Matti HAEYRY, Tuija TAKALA, and Peter HERISSONE-KELLY: Introduction: Development, Research, and Vulnerability
Part One: Facts, Fears, and Hopes Concerning Development
Solomon R. BENATAR: New Perspectives on International Research Ethics
Matti HAEYRY: Some Current Issues in the Ethics of Biomedical Research and Their Background in the Protection of the Dignity and Autonomy of the Vulnerable
Florencia LUNA: Bioethics and Biomedicine: Developing Countries' Perspective
Leo PESSINI and Leonard M. MARTIN: Brazilian Research Ethics: A North-South Dialogue Aiming to Build a New Culture of Respect
Angela AMONDI WASUNNA: Who Sets the Agenda for Health Research in Developing Countries? A Call for More Community Involvement
Part Two: Research and Technology as Answers and as Questions
Darryl MACER: Ethical Aspects in Introducing Genetically Modified Organisms for Public Health Purposes
Michael PARKER, Richard ASHCROFT, Andrew WILKIE, and Alastair KENT: The Ethical Review of Research into Rare Genetic Disorders
Rosemarie TONG: Ongoing and Emerging Biomedical Research Issues at the Beginning of Life: United States Perspectives
Bart HANSEN and Paul SCHOTSMANS: Human Stem Cell Research as a Promising Hope for Humankind: A Christian-Ethical Contribution
Boris G. YUDIN: Interrelations between Bioethics and Ethics of Bio technology
Part Three: Vulnerability, Power, and Responsibility
Leslie P. FRANCIS, Margaret P. BATTIN, Jeffrey R. BOTKIN, Jay A. JACOBSON, and Charles B. SMITH: Infectious Disease and the Ethics of Research: The Moral Significance of Communicability
Leonardo D. de CASTRO: Is There a Duty to Serve as Research Subjects?
Elma LOURDES CAMPOS PAVONE ZOBOLI: Vulnerability in Biomedical Research: A Framework for Analysis
F Maria PATRAO DO CEU NEVES: New Vulnerabilities Raised by Biomedical Research
Frank J. LEAVITT: How to Save the World: Some Alternatives to Biomedical Research
About the authors
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